Carver is to upset to continue.

in #poured6 years ago (edited)

The 2nd picture I posted on youtube before I delete my account, it got 23 likes and 4 dislikes, really, only someone who this holds true would dislike it. I also notice that a few members blocked me from seeing their post. I knew shit would go down hill once I seem how they all changed, the only thing on their mind is to feed the Beast.
I didn't get no thank you or the logo looks good from Vulcan or Mike GPO, if fact my name must be a bad thing to say, Vulcan stopped right before he finished saying it when Stackin showed him the the GPO logo.

The 1st picture is what I carved for the members and not ONE FUCKING THANK YOU. It was called the Metals Mafia Family Puck.



Is this not a thank you?

It’s to bad you have to put this all out to the public. Hope you do well and can get what you need one day.
Happy thanksgiving.

I never knew if you liked it, that what its about. I'm talking about the Mafia Puck no one thanked me for it.

Excuse me? I dont know what the fuck is going on, but you sir are out of line! Are you ungrateful for all the silver we have sent you in the form of the molds you carved? And the thank you's you recieved? How about a couple months ago when you were down on your luck and we all sent you cash? I gave you a hundred fucking dollars alone!! What the fuck is your deal? I gotta say bro, I really liked you and cared about you, but it seems that means nothing here, so I will leave with a bitter taste in my mouth. Get bent ass hole!

Vessel, this is not about you guys paying me for the work, you all did, because you did. You were good with me from the start, you were the first to send me 2 rounds when I carved the first Mafia mold. My main problem I have is with Pit how he runs the chat and and really how ungrateful he was towards me, I get set up to carve on chats and he don't tell me.

I have to agree with Vessel!!! I too sent you a hundred dollars and I am stuck on a shitty disability pension !!!

Yes Mike you did, hope you like the logo.

The logo came out great by the way ! thank you again !!!

I’m sorry you feel this way. Pit has done nothing but be a friend to all of us. I always gave you credit your molds when ever I did a pour or a video. Just because we disagree about somethings doesn’t mean to slander us publicly. I hope good health to you brother

Yes you did, how did GPO logo come out. Shit man I don't care if anyone believes what I do, we all can't have the same beliefs, that would be boring. I've always marched by a different drummer, I'm use to it.

Ok maybe my wording wasn't right. You all pourers and GPO paid for your LOGOs and yes some did send me money in my time of need, Bear even wanted to give me a good size amount of cash to get some wheels, that I refused. It would of been nice to know if you 2 liked the logos. As far as paying me for the other logos and other things I carved that is not on the main pourers, Metals Mafia is Pits. And knowing of no chats would of been nice too.

Maybe if you werent so paranoid and would get on discord (a mere messaging app) you might know whats goin on. You think youtube is any better than facebook instagram or steemit???? Your friggin nuts!!! You need to spend less time going down the rabbit hole on youtube with your conspiracy theories and get back to real life. I mean shit dude you think the earth is flat and reptiles run the world for god sakes. I got no problem stroking my buddies egos every once in a while but Im not sucking you cock man. I appreciate everything you have done for the mafia but if you aint happy just bow out man. All this youtube shit and posts now on steemit to try and bash my brand is wearing my nerves down.
