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RE: How DARE YOU question my AUTHENTICITY on STEEM! - This one goes out to you @themarkymark and the rest of you that hopped on that ship!

in #powerhousecreatives5 years ago (edited)

I initially voted your post because I just discovered you and I thought it was an excellent post and was going to add you to my curation list. I later see it was removed and replaced with a single image of a road. So I asked the following question.

I know nothing about you but that post I voted. As someone who spends most of their time finding abuse, I was completely taken back but the swap of content. A tactic used often by users who steal or recycle content. I already was skeptical as most people do not put much effort into their content and to see it swap raised many red flags.

The reason I even cared is because I was trying to find more people to vote to daily and wanted to make sure they deserved it.

As for a tiny bone to pick? I didn't even realize you were that person in the previous post I downvoted for $0.000 because it was off-topic for a STEM community. As I said in my reply it was nothing person and nothing about if your post was good or not, it was just off-topic and it was flagged with zero stake just enough to hide it in the tribe.

I tried to explain why I downvoted you with no stake but you were not getting the message. I fully stand behind that downvote and what I said in that post. A tribe (niche) has zero value if it is not moderated and anything is allowed in.

I honestly could care less that you questioned my downvote, I did it to protect my community and I will do it again and again. I didn't take what you said personal and moved on immediately after my last comment. It's unfortunate you apparently still do not understand why I flagged you and how it took no rewards from you. As I said before, it had nothing to do with the quality of your post and it was not personal.

Firstly, out of the 1717 posts I have published on Steem, he has not engaged or voted on a single solitary one in two years and nor have I on his - (not to my recollection anyway).

I don't remember ever seeing a post from you in the past, I didn't even realize you were the same person who complained about the $0.00 downvote due to the off-topic post. I must have a strange way of retaliating at people seeing as I actually upvoted the post in question.

Thanks, I think I've had my fill of drama for the day.



Mate, did you ever screw the pooch on this one.

I don't remember ever seeing a post from you in the past ...

Witness, huh? If you don't know who @jaynie is, then you've been living in that "Whale/Witness/Dev" bubble that I, and so many others, have written about endlessly ... a fact about which, I suspect, you will become very familiar over the next couple of days.

Jaynie engenders ferocious loyalty and you're about to get a taste.

Make no mistake ... there is no contribution to the blockchain that you and/or your fat-walleted friends make that exceeds the value added by Jaynie. Do recall that absent human beings, the "code" is utterly worthless. And Jaynie has done more than anyone you could name to preserve the blockchain's ever-dwindling user base. Indeed, I would bet my ass that she outworks you on nine days out of ten. Before you say anymore, I would counsel you to DM a fellow whale such as @theycallmedan and find out who you're talking about.

A lesson you young Millennial fellas at the top don't seem to have grasped is that "buying influence" is not the same as "earning it." People salute Jaynie not because she has a pocket full of pesos, but because she leads from the front. The tip of the spear ... you know, like Alexander the Great, Hannibal, Caesar and Napoleon. You would do well to take some tips.

Speaking of tips: If ever you suspect Jaynie of doing something nefarious, your information is wrong. Take your finger off the trigger and do some more investigation. And here's another: If you think this chickenshit stuff is the reason STEEM is at $0.18, ranked 78th in market cap and has an ever-decreasing user base, you need to spend some time in self-reflection, Or, go read a few articles on my blog.

Member, the Power House Creatives
(The House that Jaynie built)

Hey Quill, I didn't know who she is either. I've seen her twice now. Both times remind me of the word... Tissy fit.

It's disappointing to see a level 71 content creator with apparently a great rep and following, over-reacting in such a manner.

I find the entire conversation to be beyond silly.

I know Jayne, but not of Jaynie.

"We gotta go the crappy town where I'm a hero."


Close enough. :-)

BTW, I call your Jayne and see you one Jaynie.

Mate, what do you say we call a truce. If nothing else, the fact that this seemingly insignificant incident has blown up so spectacularly ought to give you pause ... if not cause to be impressed.

What kind of person inspires such ferocious loyalty? They are few and far between.

Jaynie is our lioness.

We are protective.



As I said to markymark - In the2+ years that I have been around here, I have had one other "rant" post - and that was actually directed at people being negative toward Steem. So surely, someone like yourself can ascertain that as someone who is not in the habit of posts like this, something must have really upset me.

All I actually wanted was either an acknowledgement that the opinion driven conversation in a public chat room was rather inappropriate or an apology for doing that in a public space. It may not have come from him, but I got both the acknowledgement and the apology from justine in this thread here - that is more than enough for me and I am genuinely thankful that she was a big enough person to see it from my perspective, so I thank her for that.

I was not after anything else - like I said in the post, I didn't want a war - but what transpired hurt and I was entitled to have a voice about it - and now it is done. I have no intention of engaging or harping on it any further. Life goes on and truth be told, I detest conflict like this because it never leaves a good taste in ones mouth and it eats you from the inside out, which is why I mostly avoid it... this occasion was an exception only because I was honestly mortified - that is all.

@themarkymark is the biggest scambag I have ever seen and there is something more sinister happening behind the scenes .

Beware of @whatsup , @justineh , @inertia and their alt accounts . They are all part of the same gang of criminals

Your obsession with @berniesanders is pathetic. Get a life.

Your inability to comprehend how much damage this behavior does to the platform as a whole is mind blowing. And it is not uncommon among the whales here.
My Rep of -3 comes from such ignorance. Specifically because i have been consistently calling out this bullshit for a long time.
Why do I do it ?
Because I see the potential of Steem.
Why am I attacked ?
Because the enemy see the potential of it as well and they want to shut it down.
Please wake up

Your obsession with @berniesanders is pathetic. Get a life.


Why am I the only one who doesn't know how to make cartoons and memes? Hell, I can barely do emojis.


Well aren't you a good sport? I like to use:

Psh that's for filthy casuals. Everybody knows real experts use MS Paint!

Personally, I am an intermediate-ish so use ZomboDroid apps and Adobe


Well aren't you a good sport?

I write a lot of satire. A laugh is the correct response to that which is funny. Your cartoon was funny (and closer to truth than you might suspect ... I was a soldier long before I was a poet). Once you lose the ability to laugh at yourself, it's all over but the crying.

Memes: There's an app for that. I should have known. If my daughter doesn't tell me how things work, I never find out. :-)


@quillfire He fucks up more often than not.
Unfortunately that is how he gets his jollies.
The rest is just a thin cover.
He need no reason to flag with his buddy

Your obsession with @berniesanders is pathetic. Get a life.

@themarkymark is the biggest scambag I have ever seen and there is something more sinister happening behind the scenes .

Beware of @whatsup , @justineh , @inertia and their alt accounts . They are all part of the same gang of criminals

Your obsession with @berniesanders is pathetic. Get a life.