A nice mortality rate

in #powerhousecreatives5 years ago

This is the next part of Captain Morgan Jones and is a little bit tongue in cheek, but I hope it reads well..

Image by vanfuller55 from Pixabay

“Anyway, there I was pouring into Tuesday and anything I could find there when up jumped a nice mortality rate and over backwards I went, as you do when you get overly surprised.

I picked myself up slowly from this just in case there was anything else forthcoming that I couldn’t see in time, but that seemed to be about it, apart from the painted words sniggering over in the corner, and as I did so I found the book I’d been reading that had fallen from my lap, and settling myself down comfortably again I drifted back to sleep,” murmured Captain Morgan Jones drifting back to sleep.

Image by ZedH from Pixabay


Down in the dungeons where most of the crew lived, a bedroom slipper decided it had had enough of living on a submarine and so, opening a window that hadn’t been nailed shut it escaped and was never seen again, at least that’s what the second mate said after not finding it anywhere where he looked.

Without two slippers he was always going to have one foot cold and wet and so decided to save up all his pay, if he ever got any, and buy some Wellington boots, for as of late there seemed to be a lot more water underfoot than usual.

But that was life in a submarine for you, and what else could you do but get a little bit wet, after all, there was a lot of seawater about.


The painted words charged and with a lot of yelling almost reached Captain Morgan Jones before he swept them under the table where they regrouped to charge again.

With that in mind he set off down the day bumping into things as happens when you are constantly looking over your shoulder.

It was one of those days where the more you concentrate on being aware the more things there are that take your attention until you’re all worn out with the looking and have to sit down and drink rum.

Well you know how that goes if you’ve been there, especially when the painted words catch up with you and paint you all shades of colours until you just give up and surrender.

captain-hook-1385541_1280.jpgImage by Oberholster Venita from Pixabay
Image by Oberholster Venita from Pixabay


In the next room over and not very far away as the crow flies, King Huw, in disguise as the wizard was tying up his bootlaces in preparation to give a speech in parenthesis on the vagaries of travelling without a compass to a large audience of one and three, but before he could get any further Queen Ann burst in all of a fluster and dressed up to the nines in a gown that was eleven sizes too big for her, either that or she’d shrunk...and called out: “I have to get back to home, I think I’ve left the kettle boiling...”

Everyone laughed at this thinking that she was joking, but when she didn’t smile they all quieted down and muttered away to themselves.

“Did you hear what I just said?” said Queen Ann her hands on her hips and looking even smaller.

More muttering ensued at this and before long, Queen Ann was too small to be seen, and then, with a: “Poof!” she was gone.

King Huw rose to his full height, gave a wink to his audience and began his speech and within moments everyone was fast asleep.

It was here that King Huw crept out through a hidden trap door and made his way to the galley for a sandwich and a bite to eat.

As to Queen Ann, she arrived back in her kitchen in time to make a cup of tea and put her feet up, and just then for all intents and purposes all was well with her world.

Image by Clker-Free-Vector-Images from Pixabay


Sometime later after he’d eaten, King Huw gave a speech on world peace and this is what was recorded:
“Sometimes you can see surrender as a white flag waved from behind cover, and sometimes you can see it as a giving up, a laying down of arms and a promise not to fight anymore.

They say peace is like that where the war is surrendered and peace breaks out and is signed for by the emperors and generals who will have at it again at the drop of a hat.

Surrender and peace then are words used by the war machine and are only terms to define a break in the endless struggle between us and them.

And so, in my time on this Earth I have seen this to be so and have never seen them give up fighting, but fighting for what is something I believe they don’t know, and so they are warmongers devising ever more ingenious ways to kill the enemy who keep multiplying and have reached seven billion.

True peace comes from an inner knowing and when surrendered to, it is realised there is no us and them but that we are all one people living on the same planet and that the source of all our joy and sorrow is within us.

When the waves of true surrender wash over the human being that is when fulfilment can come to fill the heart with true peace,” said King Huw in disguise as the wizard to his audience of one and three.

Image by Gabriel Avellaneda from Pixabay

Images from Pixabay

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The part before this part: https://steemit.com/creative/@wales/creative-literature