in #prayer3 months ago


"PRAYING always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints."
Ephesians 6:18 (NKJV)

• One of the intricacies of Prayer is, there are things that aid answers to Prayer. Many pray but they could not receive, because they pray or ask amiss (James 4:3).

  • Prayer can become a burdensomeness when there are no answers to it. Everyone who prays has the earnest expectation to receive answers to his or her Prayers. When prayer is void of results, it becomes devastating and discouraging—the enthusiasm and moral to pray dies.
  • If you lacked fervor to pray; your energy or strength is already sagged, or the appetite for it is already lost, because of your past experience on the prayers that were unanswered.
  • You would need to understand that there are prayer boosters, and energizers, which are meant to facilitate or make your prayers easier. They are the things that enhance prayers. And when enhancers are lacking in a prayer, the results also would be lacking.
  • Some Believers' prayers lack faith, whilst in some, theirs lack fervor. Giving is One of the prayer enhancers. Giving of your material things, infuses life or power to your prayers. It gives speed to the results or answers to your prayers. When your prayer is accompanied with a Seed, you get a speedy answers or results!

• About Giving or Seed sowing.

  • A lot of Believers would get an answer to a number of things they had been toiling on in prayers, if they could obey the principle of Giving, also known as, Seed sowing.
  • Many Believers, and unbelievers alike, have criticized the principle. Some even said, it is a gimmick, a way to con people into giving of their substance or money.
  • Although the principle has been abused or bastardized by some who are not genuine ministers of God. But then, the principle is biblical, it is of God. It works if it was done in a Bible Way.
  • One of the things whoever is Giving would need to know is, the Anointing on each Minister or Ministry DIFFERS.
  • Generally speaking, when you give to God's work, Ministers, and whatever has to do with the Kingdom of God on Earth; It attracts rewards. However, there are some Ministers who had the Anointing for financial deliverance or freedom.
  • The Ministers, who are financial deliverers, are not many! A number of ministers who go about asking people to Sow or Give, do not have the Anointing for financial freedom or deliverance.
  • A Minister who rises not through the Principle of Seed Sowing, or Giving, in order to receive, would not have the Mantle or the Anointing for it, on his or her life.
  • This necessitates that whoever wants to Sow or Give, should know the Minister who carries or has the Anointing for financial deliverance on his or her life.

• Literally, every Believer should Give or Sow to the life of his or her Prophet, Pastor, or spiritual Parent.

  • You might be under a Pastor who knows nothing about the principle of financial Prosperity. In fact, some hate it. They detested talking about Giving in their churches.
  • They wanted to believe that the Ministers who asked people to Sow or Give in order to receive Blessings from God are fakes and are not genuine Ministers of God. They said any minister who preaches or teaches It is into transactional gospel!
  • Nonetheless, every individual is entitled to his or her own opinion. Opinion is the cheapest thing; everyone is entitled to have one.

• Sow to the life of your Prophets.

  • God has ordained certain Anointing to bless you. You have the responsibility to recognize the Anointing which God has ordained to bless you, lead you out of financial captivity or whatever kind of captivity.
  • You Sow to such Anointing. Such Anointing is a fertile land. And when you Sow to such Anointing, you experience speed in the answers to your prayers (Philippians 4:16-19).
  • Sow to the life, the person, of such a Minister. Sow to his Vision, his work, or Ministry, also.
    WHATEVER God commanded such a Minister to do, endeavor to be part of it—support the work or the assignment (Exodus 35:4,5,20-22).

• The truth is: If you failed to recognize your Prophet, the Anointing which God has ordained to bless you, you might stay long in the captivity: "BY A PROPHET THE LORD BROUGHT ISRAEL OUT OF EGYPT, AND BY A PROPHET HE WAS PRESERVED" (Hosea 12:13 (NKJV).

  • Israel was delivered by a Prophet and also was preserved by a Prophet. Your deliverance from financial predicament and the preservation or being remained free from financial predicament is through your God ordained Minister or Prophet.
  • Note: the person you are relating with might not be answering the title Prophet, but what we are saying is, the Minister that God is using to minister spiritual Blessings to you—he or she is your Prophet.
  • There are ministers, prophets, who carried or had the anointing for your deliverance or liberation.
  • You need to discover such; it is not every Prophet or Anointing that would bless you. Some may disagree with this, but it is a proven spiritual reality and principle.
  • The Minister whom you have been relating with, that whenever you had the opportunity or privilege of meeting him or her to pray for you, you always experience a notable Blessing.
  • Impressive or spectacular thing usually happens, whenever such ministered to you, or whenever you are under his or her ministration, or attended his or her meeting; such a person is your Prophet.
  • He or she had or carried the Anointing for your deliverance or liberation or Blessings. Sow or Give to the life or Ministry of such a Minister.
  • If you are in a gathering where nothing is being experienced as God's faithfulness in your life; possibly, you are not under the right Anointing which God wanted you to be. This Principle that is being shared here, is not about the size of the church or Ministry you attend for fellowship.
  • You may be in a Big Church, so to speak, of thousands of people, the Anointing on the Minister there might not be for you. The person there might not be the Prophet which God ordained for your financial liberty.
  • One of things you would notice If you were in a wrong place of worship is, year in Year out, you might not have any tangible thing to testify of or about.
    YOU might be there listening to other people's testimonies, but nothing significant has ever happened in your life since you got there.
  • The Anointing to bless your life, or the person ordained as your Prophet, might be a Minister who is pastoring a few numbers of people.
  • Some Believers had thought that If a Minister or Ministry is Big, that is where they would get their miracles or get their prayers answered. No.
  • If you had a right heart, sober and humble, God would not hesitate to order your feet to meet with the Prophet, or the Anointing, or the Minister, or the Ministry, which He ordained to bless you.
  • God has put your Word in someone or some People's mouths. Your Word is not in every Minister's mouth.

• You will not fail in Jesus' name.

  • Whatever maybe contrary to your is cursed in Jesus' name.
  • You are healed of every infirmity in Jesus' name.

• Take notice of this:
IF you are yet to take the step of salvation, that is, yet to be born-again, do it now, tomorrow might be too late (2 Corinthians 6:1,2; Hebrews 3:7,8,15).
a. Acknowledge that you are a sinner and confess your Sins (1 John 1:9); And ask Jesus Christ to come into your life (Revelation 3:20).
b. Confess that you believe in your heart that Jesus Christ is Lord, and that you confess it with your mouth, Thus, you accept Him As your Lord and Savior (Romans 10:9,10).
c. Ask that He will write your name in the Book of Life (Philippians 4:3; Revelation 3:8).

  • If you took the steps as highlighted above, it means you are saved—born-again. Join a Word-based church in your area and Town or city and be part of whatever they are doing there. Peace!