How To Pray Powerful Prayers.(Must watch!)

in #prayers7 years ago (edited)

Why supplicate if God knows every one of my needs? Must I supplicate long and hard before God hears and answers me? Does God reply "narrow minded" supplications? Discover the appropriate responses and more as Joseph Prince handles these regular inquiries concerning petition and uncovered incorrect convictions that have obstructed adherents from encountering effective supplication lives. Give right trusting take a risk to root as you see through the sacred texts the amount God needs you to swing to Him and approach Him to accommodate and reestablish to you—regardless of how inconceivable your circumstance. Hear this message to venture into a supplication life loaded with confidence, rest, power and supernatural occurrences!


I don't believe there's a secret to powerful prayers. Except this:

(James 5:16p NIV) The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.

Be a righteous man. And pray for things that are within the will of God. There are no magic words to get you what you want. God can't be manipulated. God already knows your heart and what He plans to do. An insincere person who tries to manipulate God deserves nothing from God.