in #pregnancy2 days ago

Now, we will talk about the positions a pregnant woman can assume when her due date is near. These positions will ease the process of natural childbirth and help the woman deliver naturally.We know that the rate of natural childbirth has decreased lately, and we want to overcome this.That's why I will discuss this topic and explain the benefits of each of these positions under the term "positional education"

Positional education includes cross sitting, squatting, prone kneeling
Positions and their modifications.and all these position fall under the upright position.

Values of upright positions:
Assuming upright positions (including walking, sitting, standing, prone
kneeling and squatting) during labour is beneficial for both the mother and the infant,as it enables the labored women towork with gravity, thus:

  1. Helping fetal head descent.
  2. Enhancing cervical dilatation.
  3. Enhancing uterine contractility.
  4. Reducing the first stage duration.
  5. Decreasing cesarean birth rates.
  6. Improving oxygen supply to the fetus.
  7. Preventing vena cava compression.
  8. Improving alignment of pelvic bones, increasing capacity of pelvis,
    and optimizing the good fit between fetus and pelvis

1-Cross sitting position
• Back is straight.
• Chin in and eyes look forward.
• Flexion, abduction and external rotation of both hips.
• Flexion of both knees.
• Soles of the feet facing each other.
• Both arms are rested on both knees.

2-Squatting position
It has two methods of training

First method:
The woman stand in front of a stable object like table or chair, grasp firmly this object with her feet apart from each other by one foot and
hips slightly abducted and externally rotated.
Then descent downward through flexing both hips and knees till her buttocks touch the ground
. Heels and feet must be fully rested on the ground, back must be straight
, and all muscles all over the body must be relaxed except that of both hands for powerful grip.

Second method:
The pregnant woman is standing against the wall. Both lower limbs are abducted and externally rotated with distance about one foot (15-20 cm) between both feet, as well as, between heels and the wall. Then ask the
woman to flex both hips and knees and descent downward by gliding her back against the wall till sitting on ground.

Values of squatting position:

• Stretches pelvic floor muscles.
• Helps open the pelvis and increase its size.
• In some countries, it is used during 2nd stage of labour as a position of delivery
• It is upright position, facilitates the labour by effect of gravity.

3- Prone kneeling position
This position is used during pregnancy and during the first stage of labour.

Description of the position:
• Back horizontal and parallel to the ceiling.
• Right angle between arms and trunk, trunk and thighs,
thighs and legs.
• Eyes look forward.

Values of prone kneeling position

• Help the movement of blood circulation in the lower half of the body
especially during the last months of pregnancy.
• Takes pressure off the spine so reduce back pain
• May help increase baby’s oxygen level
• Strength the abdominal muscles through altering the relationship of abdominal organs and their support.
• It is upright position, facilitates the labour by effect of gravity.

Birthing ball
The birthing ball can be used to sit on in labour. It is a nice support and gives a good counter
pressure to the swollen vulve during labour. Also,the ball can be a mobile support for the mother’s upper body when she is kneeling and leaning forward in labour. This position on the
ball makes it easy to rock forward, backward and sideway during uterine contraction.

Other modified positions:-

4- Standing with leaning forward on a birthing ball position

5- Kneeling with leaning forward on a birthing ball position

6- Sitting on a birthing ball position

7-Standing lunge position

8-Birth pool kneel position

9-Slow dance position

10-Hanging squatt position

11-Supported kneel position

12-Supported squatt position

"In the end, I hope I have benefited you, and that you have understood the topic, and I hope you try it."
