Podcast: On the Objective - [FREE BOOK!] Prepping Projects For Families - Ryan Buford - 06.25.2019

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Thanks for joining us On the Objective as your host Steven Menking sits down with Ryan Buford, the host of The Next Generation on Prepper Broadcasting Network, to discuss his new book Pint Sized Prepper Projects. Ryan's podcast features projects that he completes with his son Colin, and they have compiled thirty awesome projects into a book that will be free on Amazon until June 30th. Head to the links below to get the book for free while you're able to. The emphasis on practical preparation and skill building make this book a must read for anyone looking to inculcate and pass along the values of self reliance to their family. We hope you enjoy this conversation, and please share this podcast with someone who would benefit from it. Please spread the word about On the Objective!