When will the collapse happen?

in #prepping7 years ago

So I’m just an ordinary person. I’m not a trader, or an analyst or a pundit. Just an ordinary person but even I can see there is something seriously wrong out there and coming towards us a little more each day.
I’d always been a borderline prepper, I inherited that from my Dad. It wasn’t that we were preparing for any disaster per se but more the memories of my Dad’s past haunted him. We were poor and everyday life was a struggle and my Dad heard stories growing up of shortages and famine and death because of it (my Dad’s side had to leave Ireland in the famine days). So he prepared by repairing not replacing wherever possible, making not buying (he could knit better than anyone I have ever met since) and cooking from scratch and having a cupboard with lots of dried foods and tins.
It wasn’t til the crap during 2008 that I sat up and started to look at what’s going on.
Now I get in around 5-6 hours a day listening to podcasts and talk radio (while cooking and cleaning usually lol) just listening to what’s going on in the geo-economy and politics. People like Greg Mannarino, Dave from X22, Mike Maloney are just some of the guys I listen to, to try and get a handle on what’s going on and super importantly WHEN what’s going to happen will happen.
And the conclusion I have come to? There is no doubt that the SHTF will happen but the when…..the when is…..murky.
First the no doubt. I’m not going into details but I would recommend you go watch Mike Maloney’s Hidden Secrets of Money series. If you have any questions regarding why the fiat currency system will collapse and why ALL fiat currency systems collapse that is the series for you. Check out Dave over at X22 for those economic and politics indictors that go behind the scenes. If you don’t know what the Baltic Dry Index is you will learn it there. And last but not least Greg Mannarino who will give you the latest and truth on the markets and what it could mean you for you. If you want to know what Dark Pools are and listen to someone who can get the calls right Greg is the man for that.
The collapse of the economy is a mathematical certainty because the entire model is a huge Ponzi scheme based on debt, and debt creation more specifically. It’s not sustainable or serviceable and that is worldwide not just in USA.
So the when………………………that’s more…..complicated.
The reason it’s more complicated is cause by all rational measures and common sense it should have all collapsed and reset by now. That was what would have happened in 2008 if it hadn’t had been high jacked and propped up again by the central banks. They took the collapse and bailed out and re-inflated everything. But that wasn’t bad enough. They have manipulated gold, silver, interest rates, bonds, everything they can manipulate they do. We have QE, dark pools, bail ins, bail outs and shake it all about just in their desperate and unrelenting attempt to stop this falling. So….why? Why work so hard to stop the reset?
That question can lead down a rabbit hole of is this all being done through a genuine belief that they are doing the right thing and will be the saviours of the world (Keynesian Cool-Aid) or is it all an elaborate plan to kill the system while pulling as much wealth into the pockets of the elite reducing the rest of us (that survive the collapse) to the level of peasants?
Honestly? I think a little from column A and a little from column B.
The reason I think that is not even gross stupidity, prayers and duct tape could have dodged so many bullets to keep kicking that can down the road again and again. There has to be some sort of plan there behind the scenes running that wheel. Now whether the hamsters is dead in that wheel and it’s just keeping spinning from inertia is another debate.
And that’s the problem in predicting the when. I’ve seen predictions come and go over the years and we are still going on and on. Each year we get a little poorer and it gets a little harder to survive at the bottom but it keeps going on. My theory is this. While there is still money out there and the vast majority of the public are feeding their minds on reality TV and their bodies on junk food they will keep it going. They will keep it going til that last bit of money drops from people complete with the blood dripping down that it took to take it.
The heart breaking thing is that there isn’t a damn thing you or I can do to wake up the majority of people and get us to a place where we could at least make this collapse and reset softer than it will be when it does happen. All you can do as an individual is prepare. Food, water, medicine, clothes, resources, gold, silver, crypto, defence and above all knowledge. Arm your mind as well as your body and maybe, just maybe, you can make it through and drag all the people you care with you as well. The collapse and reset are inevitable…….but like I said…..the when only happens when they either have got the last out of people or slip and finally miss that last kick of the can……….