in #presearch6 years ago (edited)


Presearch is a community project:
built for the community, by the community.

The power of centralization lies in the monopoly, which guarantees maximized profits and control. Decentralization however, is powered by the opposite: the unification of multiple distributed forces, the strength of the many - thousands of Davids worldwide against one Goliath. Decentralized projects are built upon a community of supporters and believers. For that reason, the Presearch Community is the true backbone of the Presearch project. But “who” are these members of the community? Basically, anyone who wants to join and support us is part of the community - Presearch does not discriminate. We believe in working together to make progress, stimulate growth and promote adoption - for the Presearch project, but also the entire crypto& blockchain space.
To give you some insight into the community we have collected community opinions: We asked Presearch Community members Gixxie and Shane, who are very active in our Telegram chat, to answer a few questions and share their views.
Here’s what they have to say:

How and for how long have you been involved in the crypto space in general and do you support other crypto projects besides Presearch?

Gixxie: I actually have been involved in crypto space for years, but from a chat level - it has been less than a year. Oh man, it has been a absolutely amazing year meeting so many new people. As for other projects, I am also in quite a few Real Estate based projects. Since it is my profession, I figured it couldn’t hurt to have knowledge of the various ways to obtain property.

Shane DotCom: I first purchased bitcoin back in late 2013 and left it in my wallet and forgot about it for a few years. I started checking out crypto again back in 2016 where I connected with John Nash who was in charge of running Reddcoin. John invited me into the Reddcoin slack development community where I connected with the Reddcoin coin developers, marketers and key investors. Here is where I learned the ins and outs of crypto managing a large project. I helped out on marketing ran a few seminars and taught people the benefits of a crypto cash society. I beta tested the Reddcoin tip bot with other developers in secret and learned a lot of crypto management and community interacting skills through good times and bad times when a part of the project gets delayed. I have been an active domainer from 2001 and found out about Presearch crowd sale through the domaining community. I found the concept of a decentralised search mechanism very intriguing, through non data and keyword collection retention software using blockchain technology. Seeing tech companies for many years collecting compiling and data profiling us on a daily basis with no option to change this as we must opt in to their user terms and agreement and accept them. If we decided not to accept these terms access to the platform is denied or limited at best. Two projects caught my eye Presearch and Hst Horizon State both offering a real world solution for an ever growing community problem. Both were crowd sale or ICO.

1) When and where did you first hear about Presearch, 2) what got you interested in this project and 3) what do you think distinguishes Presearch - why do you support this project instead of others?

Gixxie: This is probably going to sound bad, but basically, I got a text from my best friend (who I met through AR games) saying “Yo, buy this”. So… I threw a couple hundred at it. From there I joined the Slack channel and would help with getting the scammers kicked and now I try to assist in the chats when I can. I kinda just fell in love with the project and what it stands for since most people have not realized that a person's overall privacy is basically an illusion.

Shane DotCom: I first heard about Pre through the domaining community. I read the white paper and liked the concept of being able to privately search through a decentralised search mechanism. And the token mechanics intrigued me. The adoption of business advertising use through the purchase of pre tokens I could see a real world use for pre and its tokens. With the addition of an app coming soon exciting times ahead for the pre community.

Offering a reward based product of up to 8 tokens per day and allowing a person to privately search in my opinion distinguishes pre from its competition. I bought in at crowd sale then joined the Telegram community and was one of the first beta testers of the pre search engine. Searching each day for over 9 months has been an exciting journey. Seeing so many crypto projects offering so many promises with no real use pre to me was the project I was looking for. I support pre because I support an internet free from data collection keyword monitoring and my own personal information free from being sold to businesses for ad placing every time I use the internet.

What does community mean to you and how engaged are you with the Presearch community?

Gixxie: Community- that word has so many different meanings and can either turn into something amazing or something horrible. What is nice about the Presearch community is admins is they are active in doing their best at keeping the community members protected from those who are out to take advantage from members who are not as knowledgeable about the various scams.

Shane DotCom: Community in relation to any crypto project is one of the most vital parts of a successful crypto business. The reason most of us got into crypto was because of a feeling of not being heard or appreciated when it came to the finical sector and the security of our funds under 3rd party control. We finally have a chance and opportunity through crypto channels to voice an opinion, talk to the head developers and a chance to input ideas into a project. Early on I was more passive in the community as i saw people like Nikolaos who was very active and a great communicator of pre now he is admin. I have stepped up my game in the Telegram channel as I saw a unfair negative vibe starting to creep in. Pre has delivered on all promises to me and I wanted to show my side and my pre experience. I collected so far 1,900 tokens where I received my email on the day stated with my account unlocked and available for withdraw they were even willing to pay the gas fee. I wanted to show my side to the community.

Why do you believe in this project and where do you see it in the future?

Gixxie: “Nothing is ever free”- Many people grew up with that quote. With the advances in technology, that quote has been forgotten in everyday life. The reason why so many things are “free” is because YOU have become the product. Your cell phone provides extremely valuable data when combined with X amount of other people’s data. You may not realize it, but everything you do assists corporations to gain the insight needed to adjust their advertising. The main challenge for Presearch is not only “taking down” household names, but making society become aware of why Presearch is valuable and a needed change.

Shane DotCom: I see pre building on the community numbers and overall adoption of the pre product tying into full business adoption. Being able to use pre tokens to purchase business ads is a real world token use purpose. The app release will allow a full one stop use and ease for business and customer adoption. Pre will also hear its community and listen to its ideas for any future product that they may be needing or seeing a future use for.

What is the biggest perk about this project for you personally, what do you like most about Presearch?

Gixxie: Biggest perk will be the rewards for using the search engine. I am excited to see it grow into its own independent search engine and be able to see unbiased search results that are not based on my past searches and some systems assumption of what I want to see.

Shane DotCom: I think the reward mechanism was a great start and incentive in kick starting pre and the community engagement in the social media side. But I like that we are finally offered a choice of how we are able to search. I believe that in a free society we should be offered a choice I should be able to search the internet and know that my data and keywords are free from collection profiling and for sale for ad purposes.

Would you recommend Presearch to your best friend, and if yes, why?

Gixxie: My best friend referred it to me. I have referred it to a couple coworkers, friends and random people I run into. It's a interesting project and for someone newer into understanding crypto it has the links you need at your fingertips to dive deeper into the rabbit hole.

Shane DotCom: As per reasons listed above I believe in pre and its token mechanics. My friends, family all use pre as their daily search engine. It has a great team real token use and offers a real world use and solution to a serious problem facing us all data collection and profile analysis.

Thank you, Gixxie and Shane for your support and sharing your thoughts and views!

The Presearch Community


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Good project. Hope you will succeed.

I set up my kids with Presearch on their iPods.... is that ok ?