The wisdom of god is priceless: A king delights in a wise servant, but a shameful servant arouses his fury. Proverbs 14:35
Many teachings in the Book of Proverbs are summaries or expositions of principles that are the result of events narrated or described in the Bible; it must also be remembered that although the book is attributed to King Solomon, the entire book was composed over a very long period of time, which allowed very valuable teachings to be established.
And in the First Collection of Solomonic Proverbs, there is a saying that teaches that the wisdom of God is something priceless: "A king delights in a wise servant, but a shameful servant arouses his fury" Proverbs 14:35.
And the truth of this teaching is observed in the story of Joseph and the Pharaoh in the Book of Genesis, the wisdom of Joseph was admired by the Pharaoh when Joseph interpreted a mysterious dream that the Pharaoh had had, and not only that, the wisdom of God made Joseph also a good administrator of the Kingdom, which saved Egypt from the famine that broke out in those times.
In the Bible there is another very interesting story, in the Book of Esther it is told how a perverse royal official named Haman tried to manipulate and deceive the King of Kings Artaxerxes with the purpose of killing all the Jews in the Persian Empire, and in this way also eliminate one of his main enemies, Mordecai; but Queen Esther wisely alerted the King of the plans of Haman, and so Haman unleashed the fury of the King and was punished.
These stories show that wisdom exceeds human prudence and that it is inspired by God to fulfill his plans; wisdom is precision and accuracy in decision-making, and wisdom is extremely necessary especially for those who hold power, like the kings in ancient times, because just as wisdom brings life, prosperity, and joy, foolishness brings ruin, sadness, and destruction.
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