Privacy Workshop #6 Part 1 - Truth Now vs. Truth Never

in #privacy7 years ago (edited)

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"Seduction is the True Power" - Lessing, from "Emelia Galotti"

Hypernormalization: "Everyone knew the system was failing, but as no one could imagine any alternative to the status quo, politicians and citizens were resigned to maintaining a pretense of a functioning society. Over time, this delusion became a self-fulfilling prophecy and the "fakeness" was accepted by everyone as real, an effect that Yurchak termed "hypernormalisation"." (from wikipedia)

"There is a real danger that in the future there will not even be legitimate protests to attend because propaganda will be so effective that the streets will be filled only with competing fascisms." -crimethinc anon[paraphrased from something I read in rolling thunder around 2012][further study and reading will be rewarded:][see also some of my work on reddit, some good reading here:](it is really odd when you go looking for a quote of someone else and you find something you yourself posted also quoting the same thing six months ago that you still can't find anywhere online roflmao)

MINDHAWK'S FIRST IRON LAW OF TRUTH: To tell 99% truth and 1% lies, with the intent to take power over another person, is 1000 times more evil than to simply tell 100% lies.


If you don't care what is True and What is Not True, and you are Absolutely Committed to remaining that way, then there is really no point for you to keep reading(this, I mean, but maybe at all lol) The reason I start with this topic in Part 1 is because Part 2 is about recognizing Agents, people who are trying to trick you into being their friend so they can harm you and your friends. The best way to spot a liar and a fake is to be very acquainted with the truth and the process of discerning it. It is this very trait of not caring about the Truth at all that makes people asleep, unaware and cowlike. If this is what you want for your life and you are ready just to admit you can't think your way out of a paper bag, then yikes, good luck with that. Just stay out of my way, thanks.

David Foster Wallace writes a wonderful passage about truth in writing and journalism in his massive essay, "A Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Never Do Again." As part of a survey of other writer's on the topic of Luxury Cruises, he finds an essay in a magazine written by a writer he otherwise respects, and observes that the "Essay" is actually just marketing cruft of a pretty ordinary sort. He calls up this writer, because he's David Foster Wallace and is actually curious how an otherwise solid writer would write this schmalzy, fawning, reader's digest style article. The other writer when the question is put to him-flat out, "why did you write this?", answers, "I prostituted myself."

DFW then goes on to write that this is something that he doesn't just find distasteful, he finds it pernicious, it really bothers him that this stuff is out there in society. That this otherwise respectable writer was paid to hold an opinion he didn't really have and then publish it as if it were something he just kindof wrote because he felt so strongly about it. The writer's first job is for his readers(DFW Writing Rule #1) and accepting money to trick, mislead, or in any other way use your words and your many years of writing experience to obscure, obfuscate or in any other way lead your readers away from the truth, makes you into a real asshat. Seeing and learning that someone he respected was somehow brought to a position where he did something he knew was a form of prostitution really disturbed DFW, he devotes a lot of words to it. It disturbs me too.

Since Colbert's "truthiness" comedy moment many years ago, despite the warning, the number of people living in a post-truth world has grown. I don't have statistics for this, you can't quite call up 1000 people and ask them "Good morning, have you finally decided to give up on ever knowing if anything in the world is actually true or not?" (Well maybe you could? hmm this gives me ideas...)

I challenged my sister in law, who is always ready to catch me when I say something that might be a little luny, to listen to what I consider the two most important facts about the event of September 11, 2001 and she was doing the dishes so she was kindof trapped. Not wasting any time I told her that the actual evidence of 9/11 points to the CIA and Mossad working together because the building was condemned yet was purchased by zionist Larry Silverstein 2 months before(who then gave the huge insurance contract to his other good zionist buddies -psych- no the soon to be immense liability of these contracts was so kindly given to Swiss insurers...) and because no one outside of the American military and government could have so effectively neutered the entire air defense grid. Even now 16 years after the fact, this was NEWS to her and she could neither take my word for it and admit that she really knew NOTHING about 9/11 OR research it herself to confirm it. (She says things like, 'no one has as much time as you,' which comes a weeee bit across like a sideways insult) She suggested as a kindof easy out that, 'maybe it was the russians.'

I shook my head and said, "No, it was not the Russians." I know it was not the Russians. I know Larry Silverstein bought that condemned building, insured it with Swiss companies he didn't care much about and which he knew would be able to afford the payout, coordinated with the mossad to have it rigged for demolition and then avoided the place on the day it was demolished (the demolition killed more people btw than the plane crashes, which I also know.) Dick Cheney and some other insider types who would have probably also stabbed JFK in the back for a nickel if asked nicely, and then the news media, which are nearly all at the very least Zionist sympathizers made sure no one asked any real questions. Because all of this was so heavily surpressed for a decade, I didn't find the details I needed to make a decision for nearly 10 years later. I only learned about Zellicow and Chertoff, dual national israeli's who controlled the investigation and the report, in the last year or so. I'm not proud of this at all, and the realization that even my far reaching, hear-everything-believe-little, approach to news gathering missed it completely. But the people who would say, 'Certainly a conspiracy that large could not be kept hidden', well they are right. Only once the facts come to light, for some strange reason many people switch their angle to a new one. Maybe it was the Russians. You can probably hear me shaking my head.

A more recent event fit the same pattern. After the shootings in Las Vegas on 10/01, I asked my brother and my sister in law if they knew who owned the top floors of the Mandalay Bay hotel and they drew blank. It's just the Mandalay Bay hotel right? Nope, the Four Seasons hotel directly above Paddock's rooms are owned by Saudi Arabians, and for some reason Bill Gates. And a Saudi VIP was seen being escorted by police that night and a week later nearly the entire Saudi Royal Family was arrested and tortured. Fox, NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, MSNBC all together did not report the only real key fact there is in the entire story of this shooting. Without that knowledge, it just looks like the random violence of a madman. With that knowledge, it was a carefully planned assassination attempt gone pretty, pretty far awry.

I joke to myself that just the three Heavily, Heavily, suppressed facts alone are worth more to people who don't know it than a year of watching CNN:

  1. On 9/10/2001 the WTC was a condemned building with negative net worth.
  2. The U.S. military stood down on 9/11
  3. The Saudis own the Four Seasons directly above the alleged shooters room in the Mandalay Bay hotel

If you don't know these facts, none of the other facts of these events will make any sense at all to anyone.

So I joke to myself that my brothers get their news from me and in all fairness in a just world would realize how valuable it was to even know me and there would be, you know, some kind of big party thrown in my honor lol.

But as it plays out, I get no credit. On one hand, it hurts their ego quite a bit that they can't argue with me because even hearing my voice now reminds them that in an argument with me, I will list numerous facts that were hidden from them and they are stuck in this place where to even figure out how how embarrassed they should be, whether for their ignorance or for their insane brother who 'has too much time on his hands and believes stuff he reads on the internet.' And they are scared of either conclusion and perhaps rightfully so.

I hold and assert however that they are more scared of the Thinking. To actually figure out which It Is and get to the point where they could sit at a table with me and make a case, for instance, that Silverstein DID NOT in fact buy a condemned building 2 months before it was to be destroyed, would require a lot of effort. And they don't have any extra effort. They are 'raising children and that takes priority' yeah yeah yeah I know lol.

I hold and assert however that anyone who even has 30 minutes to watch a Gray's Anatomy(tm) episode should know beyond any shadow of a doubt where they stand on these 3 critical points of fact. They are allowed, due to my politeness, to say contradictory things like 'we just don't have time to research this stuff' and 'we are really into the popular NBC show This Is Us.' (They get away with this in polite conversation because I know that they are already only barely willing to even discuss anything with me and that it is about as pleasant to them as invasive dental surgery)

When my brothers get around to reading this, it might hurt their feelings, but then again I'd like them to know that MY feelings were hurt by the facts that I had to find out too late also, I don't get to sit on much of a high horse here. I myself did not know about the WTC being condemned until after 2010 or so, and THAT embarrasses t/f out of me too! I changed how I get information after learning these things, I distrusted CNN yet more than I had thought possible and I started giving people who were making sacrifices for the 9/11 Truth movement a lot more seriously and now they are some of my heroes(Cheryl from 9/11 Wakeup call, Bonnie Faulkner, Michael Ruppert(missing him so much right now) to name a few.

In 2003 I was directly asked to take part in a 9/11 Truth protest and I said outright it was not a movement I could be part of. Now I realize that without the world understanding the truth of this event, there will be no progress. Sorry Abe, I apologize, you were right. I looked down on you for believing something that was true and in the end, I was the one who should have been looked down on. Those guys dropped a banner on I-70 in 2003 saying it was an inside job, that's pretty cool and they were standing on the right side of history while I in a way cowered, afraid of all the thinking, research, ostracism....

The entire struggle for a world where truth even exists depends however on people just like you and me going over the evidence, hearing all the sides to an issue, setting facts straight and then agreeing on them together. My brother and his wife, without really being aware of it, are neck deep in the post-truth world, where it is somehow unfashionable to take any stances at all. And that scares me, because they are not dumb and they do not intend to live in the post-truth world. They will swear on the bible they live in a world full of truth where they know, for instance, that Jesus exists and died for their sins. But I can come to no other conclusion than that they are in one of those 'fish that can't see the water' situations, where unless all of the facts of recent history that they really aren't sure about, like idk where ISIS came from or how they got all those trucks from texas, or why ISIS never attacked israel, or how many soldiers does the U.S. really have in Syria right now?

I do not single my brothers and their wives out for my hypercritical eye, they are simply the only ones in their culture of successful suburban people who I can even get to talk to me about things like this, I use my observations of them to better understand the people in their upper class tech-immersed circles. No one in their culture other than them is ever going to volunteer to be asked questions by me about stuff like this(maybe the most obvious truth that will appear in this essay lol), quite the opposite. I would be ostracized for even bringing this stuff up, not invited to barbeques or parties. This is how far things have come in a culture that is supposed to be free and open, a shining city on a hill, exemplifying virtue.

I was at a soccer game with my brother and we were within earshot of some of the other soccer moms and at the end of some other similar conversation where I'm bringing up a dozen facts that he has never even heard and then I finally came upon the crux of the issue in the most relatable of terms for a lifelong christian. I asked him a real stinger (because I know he believes in Jesus and the bible and since I know the bible I am always irritating them by quoting verses waaaay out of contexts to which they are accustomed).

"So, is it 'the truth shall set you free' or is it 'the truth will make the police come after you'?" - @mindhawk

and the 3 soccer moms in a row of adjacent lawn chairs turned their heads all at once with some very perplexed expressions on their face that if I were a painter perhaps I might spend some time reproducing. (could I commission this work for some anon out there? lol, title it '3 Red-pilled Soccer Moms on a Saturday Morning Whose Attention You Have Attracted With A Bible Quote In A Disturbing New Context')

My brother gave a rapid headshaking, and under his breath a little said something like 'eehh not a good place for this discussion.'

This is what it is like traveling through the Post-Truth world as someone who has not yet given up on Truth, and the critically related belief in my own cognition such that I think I can know it. My brother, who is nowhere near to admitting that Freedom and the American Dream are lost in America, is really quite, quite afraid to speak his mind in public. He talks of a 'filter' he needs to use at work, and suggests that mine isn't functioning properly and could use some tuning(lol). I'm like, can someone please simply write out exactly what I need to be sure not to say so I don't have to guess all the time how ignorant the people around me are? And how can I be a writer if half of my brain processes are policing the other half? The best thing I have going for me, in my own opinion, is that I think freely and can write in a flow for hours at a time without second guessing myself.

Yet apparently this critical job skill that everyone needs to have, has absolutely no official list of what not to say, you're just supposed to know it by intuition. Chomsky hits the nail on the head:

"The whole educational and professional training system is a very elaborate filter, which just weeds out people who are too independent, and who think for themselves, and who don't know how to be submissive, and so on -- because they're dysfunctional to the institutions." - Noam Chomsky

"The Truth Is Out There" quote or saying of Fox Mulder and X-Files fame means more to me than it does today. It used to only mean that there is only one objective fact in any situation or event, and that no matter how many possibilities there are, at the end of the day, only one of them could be true. It means the multiverse where everything happens somewhere in the infinite universe and the purely subjective universe are wrong ideas, that if those ideas were instead the actual rules of everything, in those bizarro worlds, Fox Mulder's poster would read: "The Truth Is not Out There So Give Up On Knowing Anything And Party Hard! YOLO!" Being an FBI agent in this world would be pretty frickin difficult, because every crime would and would not be committed, and would also been committed by multiple people for multiple reasons. Everybody could be guilty of everything, or not.

Never has an idea been so obviously wrong, but whatever. The people who think that way hopefully stopped reading at the preface as intended. I'm writing this for the people who are struggling to maintain an understanding of the world that they can believe enough to take action to improve their lives and solve the many problems that plague us.

But beyond this fairly obvious truth and reasonable understanding of the idea, it means more to me now. Now it means, that Fox Mulder is not going to find the truth sitting in the basement office at HQ. He has to go 'out there.' Not only will he have to get up out of his chair, come up with a plan and some decent questions, and travel maybe great distances, at the end of the day there is no way to predict where he will actually end up.

If you say, I want a house on the beach, if everything goes as planned you know you're going to end up in a house on the beach. But if you want The Truth, even if everything goes as planned you have no idea where you are going.


And here I'm talking about the Truth Now, the ones that people are this very day spending piles of money to keep you from knowing, not the Truth Way Back When like, for instance, The Gulf of Tonkin affair. If someone on one of the ships that was not attacked by the north vietnamese had that very day been able to go on the news and, risking his life for the Truth Then, but which was for everyone at that time Truth Now of course, then that would have been heroic, gutsy, life-saving, history altering and really fantastic.

But that isn't what happened. Instead all of this is revealed to the few veterans, some who have lived without friends and limbs now for 50 years, sitting in easy chairs watching retreaded commercial television. This kindof 'oh eventually we'll know' Truth is really part of the Post Truth world. Will any of those 'viewers' rise and go track down the guys who were on the ship that were complicit in the Big Lie? Nope. These are people who are fully indoctrinated in the Post Truth world and so the Truth is somewhat of an academic matter that won't change their plans to sit in their chair watching the same TV shows that lied to them for fifty years and which cost them part of their body, and was the actual cause behind the bullets and explosions which took their friends lives.

The same applies to the CIA bringing cocaine into the country while a drug was was being hyped by Nancy Reagan, and the October Surprise that ended Jimmy Carter's presidency, also getting americans captured and killed. The same applies to the entire series of Gulf Wars and the
Afganistan occupation. When you don't chase down the truth in the Now, then the lies, the post-truth wins in the long term and it has a certain way of getting worse.

One of the people I know for sure lives in the Truth Now world is Vladimir Putin. I do not, of course, endorse his policies of single party rule by mafia and corruption, or of an ethnocentric state, but I do understand them. He lived through the hypernormalization of the 1990's and accurately predicted that if no one did anything, the entire state of Russia and the Russian people would go the way of the Ottoman empire or Yugoslavia.

So he led his FSB buddies into the Truth Now world, and they became so strong internally, inspired by the natural desire to actually save their country from foreign interests that were ripping it apart and intended its demise(in stark contrast to the promises of peace that were suppose to follow the crumbling of the Berlin Wall, a time I well remember and I agree with Putin, the American leadership betrayed the Russian people's wish for peace and a different future in every way.)

In the documentary Hypernormalization quoted above, there is a truly profound scene where a documentarian is interviewing a normal Russian woman as she puts up wall paper in her apartment. He asks her what she believes and she replies:

"I believe nothing. I don't even believe you." - Russian Woman circa ~1995

For all she knew the documentarian could have been KGB or CIA, how could she know? It could have been some kind of bizarre test of her loyalty or some strange criminal enterprise. And she was so used to things turning out to be fake or opposite to their appearances that it took no time at all for her to throw her hands up in the air completely, over every single question in life.

Another person who I know lives in the Truth Now world is Chelsea Manning. There is this one story from her stay in Leavenworth that didn't really get a lot of play, but which I find quite profound.

Before she was pardoned, they tested her. One night a bunch of armed men, not in American military uniforms, opened the door to her cell and told her they had broken in(to Leavenworth lol) and that they were there to rescue her. For 12 hours they tried to convince her, tried to break her down, she could be free right then if she would just come with them voluntarily.

Of course, none of this makes any sense at all, like some squad could break into Leavenworth prison and maintain an operation for 12 hours, but that's what a psychological operation does, it tries to wear you down. (someone correct me in comments if I'm getting any of this wrong)

Now you tell me, what if Chelsea was living in the post truth world? What if she had given up on belief? What if she wasn't able to discern anymore, what if she was easily manipulated?

In a very backwards counterintuitive kindof way, her ability to live in the Truth Now world, against a lot of odds, is in my opinion the only reason the top brass signed off on her pardon, as this was the most difficult thing she had to endure, the most excruciating mind-flaying test of tests.

If it were up to me, people would have to be tested like that in order to see the rest of the movie The Matrix, beyond the scene where the red pill is chosen. If you would not in actuality choose the Truth in a situation where it was Extremely Difficult, where there were stakes on the table, where everyone was playing for keeps, then you would actually in a situation with an actual Morpheus, choose the blue pill and he would walk away and you'd never see him again.

I am saying, much in the same way that I told people committed to the Post-Truth world to stop reading at the beginning, that if I were running the projector for a bunch of people who had, idk, just refused to watch a 15 minute video laying out the actual evidence of 9/11, I would turn off the projector at the red pill/blue pill scene. Or if I knew they were people who would never, on some matter of principle, take a drug like LSD, Peyote, Psylocybin or DMT, I'd stop the projector for them too. They haven't earned the rest of the movie. The rest of the movie is not for people who took the blue pill and this is obvious.

There would be an epic wailing in the theater. They would beg and scream and cry and kick and fight and start small fires and pee all over the place in a phantasmal riot, saying they Absolutely Must see the rest of the movie! What happens next! What is the red pill!???

And I would grab the microphone and address the crowd form the booth overlooking the mayhem, and just laught at them.

Likewise, if it were up to me, there would be a test to watch the series Stranger Things. It would be one True/False question:

Does the United States perform scientific experiments on its citizens without their knowledge or consent? Maybe I would throw this document up on the big screen:

MKSearch copy.png

If they were to say no, then I would expect, reasonably right?, that when in the first episode it shows a government base where they are performing terrifying experiments on this little girl, the people would be revolted at Something So Outlandish! If not one of them had the guts to stand up in front of the rest of the theater to say that yes, he believes that document is actually real, or better yet, that he was actually experimented on(like I have been btw, read my earlier blog posts), then why do any of them deserve to watch a story about something that is as unbelievable as idk a movie where people can dodge bullets or cats eat dogs.

And again, after they laughed the guy out of the room(me in this case) for being bonkers, when I return to the booth, play the first episode, and stop it abruptly in the middle of the first episode, there would again be Mayhem. What happens next!? We have to know!!! The police would be called, I would be accused of disturbing the peace or some crime akin to yelling fire in a theater when I had actually only yelled The Truth in the theater, been laughed at, and prevented people from watching something I could only logically assume they would find too absurd to even consider.

And yes, when people are sitting in their comfy chairs and know they are safe, OF COURSE they have Courage and Guts to see what happens next. This is where the doublethink, Post-Truth, Hypernormalization is apparent in the American population. Why do they find the actual history of our country totally deniable, unbelievable, outlandish, pure wacko 'conspiracy theory', tin foil hat bullshit YET IN FICTION it is plausible, believable, and within the realm of possibility and superfun to watch?

This is just what the Post Truth world looks like, absurd. It does not conform to reason or expectation or any intellectual consistency whatsoever. People think what they want, when they want, and they think only convenient things.

Imagine what the world would look like however if other notable people in world history had just gone with the flow, whatever man.

What if Winston Churchill had just made the easy call and let the Nazis do what they wanted? Watch the movie The Darkest Hour and count how many times he could have just done the easy thing, let the overwhelming force have what it wanted and just slowly help the people of his country adjust to outright evil one boot in the face at a time.

Do you know who else lives in a Truth Now world? Agents. The secret police and private security Pinkerton/Stratfor type infiltrators, some of which even post on Steemit. Propagandists, infosec crackers, and all other manner of fraudulent employees of the vast dark network ruling the world unjustly, from the most high level double agent to the lowest level street grifter, all rely on the Truth Now to get their job done. And they don't just rely on the Truth Now for themselves, they rely on you living in a Post Truth moment or maybe the entire Post Truth world view.

Privacy Workshop #6 Part 1 is where I am making the case for the Truth Now world, where in every moment of your life you attempt to the best of your ability to think as hard as it takes, to live in reality. And I do this because it is the only way, just as Putin resisted the CIA and Chelsea balled up in the back corner of her cell, to hold power in your life, at all, in a world such as ours filled with deception and technology more advanced than any one human can have any hope of understanding.

Only by being grounded in reality, by having a firm grasp on as many Truths and proofs and facts as you can get your hands on, and maintaining an attitude where you believe in the power of your own mind, will you be able to sniff out when someone is trying to trick you into living in their Post Truth fantasy, their Potemkin Village of falsehoods, their Truman Show of twisted, backhanded tricks designed to make you into a puppet of someone else.

MINDHAWK'S SECOND IRON LAW OF TRUTH - You shall know them by the dankness of their memes, or lack thereof.

Agent DANK Meme.jpg

Which is to say, the one thing that agents, infiltrators, spies, thieves, tricksters, manipulators and even bad roommates can't do, is be honest. They are there to lie to you. That is their plan, that is their primary tool against you.

And from what I have learned, they actually suck at it. Law Enforcement and Military types tend to be honest forthcoming people, they went into that field because they were scared of other fields and it seems safe to them. Then one day when someone else is in charge of their agency, and their tactics are pseudo-legally(but not constitutionally) allowed to get dirtier, they find themselves taking beginning acting classes and practicing lying, having fake id's and backstories they have to memorize and rehearse.

I happen to have studied acting for 3 years in LA, I took it seriously. I am very good at detecting liars and discerning when a situation looks like a setup. I have been inside several full blown psychological operations at festivals and just sat with it, studied them, how they operate. This is what I mean when I say I am a gonzo investigator, and it wasn't the first thing I set out to be, it is something that I just found myself inside of and the only way I could deal with it was to doubledown on the Truth Now and describe everything I saw. I don't find it justifiable to create entire fake environments and to continually try to bait people into this or that crime based on some facebork sexting they found from a few years back. I don't believe in precrime. I don't believe in the 'heightened risk' lists kept by Reuters Global(we'll talk more about that in Part 2) and I sure as hell don't believe in the U.S. government pseudo-legally(not constitutionally) propogandizing the citizens of my country, so at some risk to myself, I do what I can, with my eyes, ears and wicked-fast typing skills, to actually resist this.

Take note other resisters and those who claim to be, if you are not up to this level of commitment, stop using the word resistance to describe yourselves(looking right at you @dbroze). If you are not prepared to encounter and recognize and appropriately react to someone who is completely lying about who they are, trying to be your friend, trying to help with your organization, asking all kinds of questions about you and revealing nothing about themselves, then you are ultimately in the Post Truth world and you are utterly powerless to affect change, or help anyone with anything on anything beyond a personal scale(which matters but we are not going to stop a giant steam roller of deadly corporate injustice through random individual acts of chuzpah...)

Actual resistance to Tyranny is built upon groups of people living in Truth Now. People living in Truth Now can have the most powerful thing in the world, faith and trust in other people. Putin has faith and trust in other people(when he loses it he kills them, but still) Chelsea had faith and trust in other people, that if she just held out that whole night to what she knew was the truth about Leavenworth and the nature of her captors, that there would be people on the outside, in this case the frickin President, who wouldn't leave her to rot.

People who live in the Truth Now rock the world. We change the world. We are like giant stones in a river and the lies have to flow around us, because we won't let them through.

This is the difference between and Agent and Operator. Agents are always within their context, whether it is a weak agit prop fluff pop up journalism site like "Disobedient Media" or a full on fake anarchist honeypot organization attempting to infiltrate and disrupt every single citizen movement against tyranny in the country, and the world. And in this context they are very much operating amongst themselves in a Truth Now world, while they try to keep you in a Post Truth dystopic-nightmare maze.

Operators are capable of resisting, like Han Solo and Obi Wan Kenobi. Like Morpheus and Dozer. Like Thomas Jefferson and Paul Revere. Operators get stuff done. Operators infuriate Agents at every turn. Operators can become so powerful that if they are struck down, they only become more powerful.

Here is an open message to the agents, and for all the weak, month-old shill accounts that make 2 postings and then come to the Privacy Workshop to intimidate, disrupt and infiltrate: Being continually harassed because you are on a list of 'Heightened Risk Individuals' doesn't inspire much patriotism and these are ultimately tactics you might learn from the People's Liberation Army(sic)(tm). You can't defend Western Civilization from the creeping threat of a billion utterly brainwashed chinese peasants, who will happily invade your country when Mao's hologram points vaguely in your direction, with the actual tactics of their secret police.

We don't have the numbers, and at the moment, we are losing or have lost the technological and economic advantage. This is because the Western World either appears to be forgetting what made it successful in the first place, why China has to reverse engineer we invent. It's why there are no good Chinese movies, i.e. even though IP man has some pretty great fight scenes, its dialogue is terrible, heavy-handed, artless and on-the-nose making it ultimately unwatcheable and obvious state sponsored propaganda. Just like American Sniper, Zero Dark Thirty and countless other CIA funded pro-war cruft.

Which is to say, you police state and military industrial complex types, with your Israeli 'allies'(cough cough) who ultimately have to approve of everything you do, you are not going to beat China at their game. You are just labotomizing the base of all your power: the multicultural cosmopolitan open society. That's where inventions come from. That's why smart people all over the world want(ed) to come here rather than helping their own country with their own defenses and economy.

The more of the deep state/police state tyranny you impose, the more people like me, who actually know how to think and solve problems and make things work, are going to leave the country. Note how many NSA and State Department employees have left government in the last year. Do you street level undercover grunts or psych warfare types on military bases posting on reddit really think that you're going to make it far in a long term strategic struggle against a billion people, who due to people not listening to me and Bernie and countless other smart people, we now owe a trillions dollars to? Do you really think your own kids are going to make it far in that world 20 years from now? Do you think they are going to enjoy it and have a good life? Are you sure they won't be put on a list and harassed and baited until they are tricked into a prison cell or their weakness is exploited in a tricky cop-concocted situation?

The level of forsight I am getting from you types is staggeringly fail unless you already work for the enemy. (You have also tried to fool me and failed so many times now, and are baiting me for crimes that there are less than 0% chance I would ever even think about committing, so refine your mind reading tech) that I worry about your overall efficacy anyway. Also known child kidnappers are still hanging out with googly-eyes E.T. looking Hillary

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and her mystery leg boot, and they seem to get by without any of your attention whasoever, what's up with that?)

I truly do not know how you are patriotic about the country you are contributing to building, and from my perspective, and many others, and countless voices form history which you probably got bad grades on in high school(I was in advanced placement history and tested out of college credits btw) so maybe you should listen, the United States of America circa 2018 is not a good place, is not a just place, is not a happy place and it is run by people so focused on the short term that actual strength eludes it. And the US of A in 2018 is a bully, a liar, and to most of the world a cruel joke played on them. When it hits the fan for us, they are not going to lose much sleep over it.

So insomuch as your contributing to this, I'm calling you out, cut it out, change your ways. Start actually obeying the clear, 2nd grade reading level laws in the constitution. Stop acting like a gestapo. Cut it out with the pre-crime and labeling people 'wrong-thinkers' like you think Obrien is the good guy in 1984.

Because we are on to you, and we're not going to put up with it forever.

a. go watch some bad acting and study it, what makes them look fake?
b. take an intro to acting class or just try to memorize a monologue or a character
c. go find out something you are curious about, not a big thing. maybe it is a mysterious sound coming from the attic or that your car is making, but figure out what it is, and exactly what it is without doubt. Note how there is only one actual true answer, not many, that the world doesn't diverge into a million splintered realities.
d. write down 3 things you believe but can't prove. try to prove them.
e. rewatch reservoir dogs, especially Tim Roth's scene about the train station story and how he fools Harvey Keitel.

This concludes Privacy Workshop #6 Part 1

I would like to dedicate this essay to Hunter S. Thompson and David Foster Wallace.

I know there isn't as much practical how-to knowledge to this, but for Part 2, where I am going to give quite a few tips for recognizing fake psy-op undercover infiltration bullshit, I need to know that you are with me on the Truth Now thing, and that I'm not going to be wasting my breath on the Post Truth folk.

I'd like to send a shout out to @Canadian-coconut, her upvotes the last week have really kept me going and inspired me, that if I just write my heart out, good things will happen and I can turn some time that I otherwise wouldn't know what to do with, into some actual earnings, for the first time in my life. And also that I get to dive into these profound topics that no one ever talks about but which I think are critical to the future prosperity of the entire race of humans on earth, which I would be sad to see go extinct due to tyrannical authoritarian stupidity.

And to ultimately argue for reality, for the Truth Now, not Then, Not Later, Not Never, but Now.

If you found this helpful and you aren't as broke as I am, please toss me some coins and upvote. Resteem this. I'm putting it all on the line to speak my mind in a time when it is not easy or particularly safe. I am arguing for Western Civ and I am not even sure I know of anyone else out there doing the same, as the rest of the media seems focused on the endless clamor in washington d.c.. I also had to rewrite the second part due to an editor glitch. This took a lot of work.

Or, conversely, feel free to tell me I'm wrong about something or something I missed in comments, as always.

Also, it would be sweet if someone could post this to reddit and get it out there. Thanks!


And as always, Let the Good Vibes Get a Lot Stronger!

Peace! Reason! Truth Now!


I haven't really read much of this wall of text, but I did scroll down and found the sentiment.

Let the Good Vibes Get a Lot Stronger!

Peace! Reason! Truth Now!

To that I say Yes and upvoted... Cheers!

lol fair enough, sit down with it when you get a chance, further study will be rewarded.

There's one of my best memes in the middle that won't really hit unless you're actually reading it.

I'm not holding back anymore, this is the real shiz.


word up... I'll keep this tab open ;)

It's cold lonely world you are advocating for folks to join.
Nobody likes taking bitter pills, and at this point the truth is just that, for most people.

It's nice to know you are out there, though.

It's' not my job to decide for people or make them do anything, it is my job however to express the smartest and most valuable ideas that I can before I die.

As far as I'm concerned, I'm waiting for someone to tell me I'm wrong about any of this.

Like the regular world isn't already cold and lonely? I also think you are wrong about that, if we want a world designed for humans instead of a world designed for corporations so the humans who run them can build their own separate perfect world designed only for rich humans, then going with the flow is not ever, ever going to accomplish anything other than what we have right now. Which pretty much sucks for americans. Everyone is afraid, no one talks to strangers, everything is transactional and ultimately closed, locked, shut off, shut down, or outright broken. Or entirely fake.

It's a society circling the gutter, preying on the few remaining people who have any good or decency to them.

All I can promise is trying to make a different world won't be this, the same failure. It may be a different failure, but fear of failure is a horrible motivation for life, and just because you fail once doesn't mean you shouldn't try again, but better the next time.

I find most americans though have a fierce, fierce resistance to motivation or constructive positive thinking of any kind. 'The Secret' and 'Law of Attraction' which I don't believe btw, are the types of easy non-constructive thinking that Americans like. Just imagine it and it will happen, if you don't get it, you must not have had the right vibrationa energy from your crystals. That is really worthless thinking.

Any actual positive way of thought has to direct to action, change of actual behavior, actually changing your mind.

The primary purpose of hypernormalization and the engineered 'atmosphere of tension' is to innoculate people against revolutionary activity, make and keep them passive like cattle.

Meanwhile I believe the American elites have put the actual government through several Revolutions in the way money works, in the way voting works, in the way centralized power works, and of course, legalizing all manner of debauchery and foulness on their private islands and yachts and tall buildings.

Those wanting an extra dose of Truth Now could attempt to find out if they are on the global watchlist of bogeymen whether legitimately or not:

I will let you know what i find out when they reply to me.