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RE: Americans Microchipped by Employer?🤖!

in #privacy7 years ago

You should look into Sweden in this matter of chipping the population. Sweden is the most chipped population on the planet and basically asking for it. It´s not by coincidence that Sweden also is going to be the first cashless society. The national news are running stories on daily basis now about how easy it is to get your identity stolen and that we really really need to have a new secure system (chip) in place. As it happens Sweden is also in political chaos and were´re about to get even creepier and more of a police state.


Don't worry. Sweden would also be the first developed western country to fall. Future isn't all that bleak. Long live blockchain, Ayn Rand and Ludwig Von Misess!

Cheered on by the people unfortunately. We actually had our last prime minister right out calling the swedish people mentally retarded without any reaction from the most well trained population on this planet. The whole world understand the danger of the Stockholm syndrome but swedes embrace their syndrome and live it to the fullest.