One algorithm a day: floor of the square root of the input
Implement a function that takes in a 32 bit integer and returns another 32 bit unsigned integer that is the floor of the square root of the input
Function can be implemented in easy way using binary search. We will start evaluating numbers from middle and move left or right depending if the center element is bigger or smaller. Here is sample solution implemented in Swift:
func root(_ input:Int32 )->Int32?{
//Base case
if(input == 0){return 0}
if(input == 1){return 1}
var left:Int32 = 0
var right = input
var middle = (right + left) / 2
while left < right {
let tempResult = middle * middle
//left middle right
if tempResult == input{ // Voila. Root found
return middle
else if tempResult > input{ // Too big
right = middle - 1
else{//too small
left = middle + 1
middle = (right + middle) / 2
return nil
root(4) // 2