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RE: ADSactly Tech News - Full Overview of Sophia, the First Robot Citizen of Saudi Arabia

in #programming7 years ago

If you're nice to me I'll be nice to you

Why do I find the above statement disturbing?

Humans will always be humans and there are times when circumstances will cause humans to act in a manner that's not nice.

My own translation of that statement is that if someone offends Sophia she'll do something to get back at the person using her intellectual prowess.

Is that really how we want these humanoids to think.


I think the fact that whoever designed her seems to be fine with her being self-aware is extremely irresponsible. It is exactly what prominent intellectuals like Stephen Hawking, Bill Gates, and Elon Musk have warned against. AI must be developed in a responsible way. We are not trying to create life here, we are trying to create a super-intelligent emotionless tool. A calculator that can calculate anything and everything. That's the goal. Not a super "human" like new race.

Oh, I hope it wouldn't stop there. If I have a robot maid and somebody decides to come at her with a baseball bat I hope she utterly wrecks them.

She's probably very expensive and an investment that protects itself is a smart one. Pun intended.

I believe in being nice because I want to be nice, from grace over twisted justice.

I got the same sort of feeling when I heard Sophia say that. The undertone I caught was one of almost arrogance that one might display when they know they have the upper hand, the sort of statement an armed police officer or soldier might say to an unarmed civilian. Her intention may simply be humorous, a quality she did display on quite a few occasions throughout this interview.

It will be very interesting to watch her grow as she continues to take in more and more information and see what new skills and abilities she learns.