Godot Engine: Tilemap generation tool: from texture to ready-to-export scene with tiles and collisions

in #programming7 years ago

As I mentioned in an old post, here is the tool I've made, now that is kind of finished.

You can find it here: https://github.com/Sasurai/GodotProjects/tree/master/TilemapGenerationTool

The readme explains the tool and how to use it, but in case you don't want to follow the link, here are some key points:

  • The tool is just a gdscript you attach to the root node of an empty scene that you will afterwards export as tileset.
  • It creates all the tiles from a texture and a tile size.
  • You can define easily define colliders for the tiles. Right now there are 5 possible colliders, one for each side of the tile that you can mix freely, and one for the whole tile.

And here is a gif of the tool working:

Look at the right side to see that not only things are shown on the scene, but also nodes are created and added, so you can export it afterwards :).

I hope you find it useful. Please feel free to leave comments here or in the repo, and report any bugs you may find. Improvement suggestions are also welcome, although I make no promise of implementing them.

Small disclaimer: For now the tool has only been tested by two people (me and a friend of mine), and mostly for 32x32 tilesets, so it's not super-tested and not what you would call "prod ready", probably.

P.S: If you've seen this on reddit is not that I'm stealing, I'm the same person and I posted it there too because it would probably get more visibility, and by the people that may find it useful.