Niche Laboratory Find Best Blogging Niche in One Tap

in #projecthope5 years ago (edited)

I'm in Asia at the moment, and viola evening time like Europe's, wake up and Asia is working maybe, Americans going to bed but I find the internet gets very slow here this time, of night anyway it has found our main, task is finding a few more keywords, there are so many sources our data now, that the tool does take a little while, but it's well worth it for all the additional keywords it finds, okay so here we have it so, at one point, six one change I've done is there's now, a popularity percentage here and zero, percent means the niche should be very, easy one hundred percent means is near, impossible to get any rankings so weight, loss is kind of somewhere is fair, competitive but if you choose the right, keywords

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you should still be able to, get something in this niche if you find, this value is ridiculous for your, particular niche then please get in, touch and I'll see how I can change the algorithm it's kind of based on existing, niche laboratory jobs so if nobody's, ever researched its niche before on, national poetry then I won't know too, much about it okay so as you see this, the keywords here related niches this is, something I want to change in the next, version so the next version 1.8 will, have some significant changes for here, and a lot more keywords so now I can see, creates the marketing plan, seemed to progress bars gonna be crazy, I'll have to look at that always so much, to do when you're creating software, gaming internets little slow here, this is Hamid a, so here is the report for the weight, loss niche it's not too much changed in, the actual report

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itself one major, difference though is that the initial, popularity is nowhere and there's a nice kind of progress bar to show you, how difficult it is if it's here it will be green and it will be yellow if it's, around here and it's red if the niche is, quite hard this isn't so much the competition but the popularity of the niche amongst other bloggers so you'll find that if it's up here then there are, lots of people blogging about it and if it's down here then you might have the niche or to yourself that doesn't mean, you won't have competitors it's just, that there may be less amateur bloggers, writing about it or even doing YouTube, videos about it so if it's down here, then by all means also have a look on, YouTube just to see if there are many, videos I sort of statistic the other day,

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I don't know if it's true but only 9% of, businesses have YouTube channels so, there are some big juicy niches to pick, up that the big companies don't seem to, be making any videos about so that might, be worth a look, I've just remembered there is a massive, change actually in this version of, Nishinomiya tree and it competes, matrix which is down here I've added, back on these social sharing things, these used to work in the first version, of initiative or tree, then the third party data got harder to, find but now it's back so it gives you a little indication of what the competition might be like especially if, you want to rank in the top ten for your, particular keyword that you started the job with and as always if you see red, here and it's generally a bad thing I have also improved the algorithm for, spotting these so this is a bit more, accurate now

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finally, there's a difficulty column here so red means it's, quite difficult to out, this would be Wikipedia if you hover, over it you will see the number this, this is a percentage out of a hundred us, kind of estimates how difficult it will be to lodge dislodge this search result from the search rankings here you can see there's some big Mayo Clinic's a, very big website is probably a,c1 see the possibility about ranking, those are pretty difficult generally, any website here that doesn't, have a grey one it's going to be quite, difficult to outrank and this is well in, the previous version of the mission, abort she throws this estimation was a bit crazy but here it seems a little, more accurate well maybe this is a bit harsh identify a niche is that difficult but it is a bit more realistic than what it was, okay so that's an overview of version,1.6 and much the same the report

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