My London Cryptocurrency Show Experience 15/4/2018

in #promo-steem7 years ago

Ok rested up now if you dont know yesterday I attended the LondonCryptoCurrency Show and I expected to be leaving the show around 5 or 5.30 but @allasyummyfood reserved the bar so Steemians and those interested in Steem could continue learning.
Many of us got into deeper conversations about Steemit and generally getting to know each other better and as a result I got home from the show around 8.40

The LondonCryptoCurrency Show because London is probably one of the biggest financial centre's in the world PromoSteem and a good turn out of Steemians attended the event, supporting, promoting STEEM and at one of the biggest cryptocurrency shows in England.

Getting to the event from the train station was not difficult it was only a sort walk towards the event not only that but compared to the previous day the sun was shining and it was getting warm, it was perfect to lighten peoples moods.


I made my way towards the main entrance of the Hotel I met a lost looking guy there who asked me if I was there to attended the CryptoCurrency Show?
I said yes, and he was confused to where it was, I told him I think there is a side entrance but since the lift was already called down we decided to go through the hotel.


Images By @simonjay

Amazing eh?
Anyway by chance while trying to figure out where to go we bumped into @allasyummyfood who had abit of a better idea in which direction to go but we were all still kinda lost for a minute.

Images By @allasyummyfood

Once we found the entrance we had to get our tags before we could get into the main area.
Past security we get in and the lost looking man from earlier asked me what was I most looking forward to seeing at the event?

I took this opportunity to find out about what experience he had with cryptocurrency, he said not much and started 6 months ago and was looking for direction and a place to start.

I obviously told him Steemit was a great place for beginners because of the community and I must of spent around 20 minutes explaining Steemit and how he should join.

From there the lost man seemed happy I told him to make sure to visit the PromoSteem stand after the first talk finished, later he did and my mission was accomplished hehe.

After explaining Steem to the man @gillianpearce found me and we had a catch up, we had not seen each other since the February Steemit meeting in London Queen Of Hoxton.

Mr @stephenkendal was nice and introduced himself it was our first meeting but I have been following hes work since he first started here on Steemit.
We made our way to the PromoSteem stand where I saw mostly familiar faces and some new ones.

After some hellos I went into the main auditorium to listen to Michael Hudson's talk about bitcoin for a little bit before the main Steem talk came on.

The Steem talk in general was a fantastic introduction into Steemit, Dylan @anarcotech really nailed it, after the intro @anarcotech introduced some of the projects happening on the blockchain like..

@utopian-io (with @elear and @techslut)

@fredrikaa and @howo from Steempress

• e-steem (with @dunksky)

@stach (with @ejemai)

Oh and there was also Appics there, while I was not surprised by this I was surprised to see that nearly the whole team made it to this event as they will be speaking again at another show later during the week and this one was kind of unplanned and unexpected.

Images By: @simonjay

I got to speak with the Appics team again to learn of any further developments and I was welcomed by @soldier she somehow remembered me and yes this was not our first time meeting as we talked at Steemfest2 before but trust me there was many many people there it can be difficult.

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Images By: @simonjay

One person I was really surprised to see was @roelandp he is the main organiser of the Steemfest events and being one of the many people who attended I cant explain enough how amazing he is at putting an event together, its an amazing experience.
Naturally I asked him about Steemfest 3 we talked about what he was working on and some other personal things he as being going through, so I wish him all the best and good wishes to hes family.


Images By: @simonjay

Another couple of guys I been meaning to speak with for some time now but never seemed to really get the chance to until now was @exyle and @ezzy I have seen them at a few events but often times at these events it can be rather difficult to speak with everybody.

I already knew before speaking to them we had some things in common from their blogs but gosh there are many other things about Steemit, cryptocurrency and during our childhood that I discovered we also had in common.

Not only that but @exyle gave out much advice to some of the questions I had and later @ezzy also shared how he got started on and what it was like during the $0.07 value times of Steem.
Haha from being there also during the $0.07 times the new starters have it much easier now lol.

Images By @allasyummyfood

Once the talk was over we chatted some more and then decided to leave the show for some lunch, we all went as a big group to Nandos.
Funnily after we ordered another group of Steemians also decided to have lunch in the same venue so we had two large tables next to each other with many Steemians.


Images By: @simonjay

It was a great lunch hearing and discussing many ideas.

When we finished lunch it was back to the Cryptocurrancy show where we chatted more before attending a talk from gig9.
We discussed the talk for a little while before getting some last pictures with the SteemPromo stand.


Images By: @simonjay

It was time to take it down for the end of this years show, I feel it done us very proud and think everybody can agree that there was so much buzz around our stand because we also had many awesome Steemians there.

After the long day it was time to try and chill out with some drinks at the bar with the remaining Steemians and organised by @allasyummyfood

Images By: @steevc

@rea kindly brought in a round of drinks and soon after I got talking to some app creators who were very interested in Steemits potential, answered many of their questions and hope to see them more involved on soon.

Later some more Steemians started to leave I was personally very tired didn't get much sleep the previous night, too excited for the show, had to get up really early to make the trip into London for the opening of the event.

I have to say I generally had a great time it was a good opportunity to talk to some Steemians which I missed out on at the last Steemfest2 event, since this was a much smaller gathering it was easier to meet people.
But I still have to mention the turnout was fantastic as awesome people turned up from all over the world.

I am serious check this out!


Not only that our main speakers Matt @Starkerz, Dylan @anarcotech Stephen @stephenkendal and Alla @allasyummyfood done a great job at explaining and presenting Steemit.

So yea a shout out to these guys

Also guys the exhibition placed at the show was no-where-near a cheap set up, the whole thing will be costing around $15,000 or more so yes any votes are much appreciated.
You can visit the Promo Steem website here

I believe some are still staying in London today incase anybody wants to further discuss their investments, projects/ideas withing the Steemit platform.

So if you are new attended the event and got the contacts of the main speakers and interested in Steemit in anyway please reach out to the PromoSteem guys Matt @Starkerz, Dylan @anarcotech Stephen @stephenkendal and Alla @allasyummyfood

Images by: @simonjay


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So if you like this page I need you guys to do me 2 easy things.

1.First please upvote this page.
2.And secondly dont forget to follow me below.

Also since votes don't always = $ and you if want to see more you can send me Steem Power Tips to @simonjay to help support me.

@paradise-found - @koskl - @hanshotfirst - @meesterboom - @mammasitta - @yusril-xabre - @surpassinggoogle - @whatisnew - @kristy1 have already done this so a big thank you to them all!

[Follow Me Here @simonjay


Thanks for great post..i appreciate this blog.

Great post Mr. You lost the direction but you got much new experience. Thanks for sharing. @simonjay.

Not sure I have been losing direction just busy and these events always motivate you to work harder @rikaz87

Oh I see. Any way that was great attended the steem promo show in London UK. And you did it. Congratulations Mr @simonjay. And also thanks for the gift. Wishing you always in healthy.

Great write up @simonjay. Good to see you yesterday! 😍

I know right so glad we could meet again @gillianpearce at just a great event.

I'm looking forward to the next one @simonjay! 😁

Well my friend, it looks like you had a wonderful time. One thing I lover about crypto's is the diversity of the people- they come from all walks of life... a truly multicultural crowd!

Yes indeed you can see that from the pictures and I was very happy and fortunate to meet all these people such a great time Rich thanks for the supprt.

It was nice seeing you there and I can't believe how many people show up for it. Great post about the day and the weather was really on our side that day lol

Hey @hotmangoes it was great to see you there also and I know I was surprised also with the good turnout thank you so glad you liked the post and the whether was great, not too hot for you I hope?

No the weather was just fine I know people in the UK like to moan about the weather no matter what lol

Oh gosh @hotmangoes yea I saw some dude complaining to he's wife and kids about the heat and man this was early in the morning I was on my way there it was almost like sun rise, also it seems ezzy is also another guy who likes the warm weather.

That no surprise but it was not even that hot that day lol yeah I remember ezzy saying that and it was only sunny and warm for that one day so weird

No I think the heat was from inside the hotel they obviously had their heating up but the weather was indeed nice, oh I see I only found out after the event ezzy like the sun, btw APPICS done well at the other London show. Soldier was dancing as always.

Again @simonjay, great work ... Thank you for the great work you develop along with the other distinguished Steemians for strengthening our platform.

Thank you very much cjao20 yeah all working together to get stronger both on and off Steemit, what a great vision eh, your supprt is appreciated.

This is awesome my friend!! I wish I could do something like that!!
I'm also glad we have this friendship!! Steem on buddy!!

You will get your chance @paradise-found me too buddy its all for a good cause making Steemit and our-self's bigger, lets keep this ball rolling dolphin is still abit of a way buddy but I know we can do it.

Good work.Thanks for sharing cryptocurrency update news.
I appreciate your post.
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A truly great post...and thanks for your support.

The truth is that your report of the event and the photos you included were great. Thanks to this marvel of steemit we can make this world business and meet people as special as your @simonjay.

Well thank you for those kind words @felixgarciap glad you enjoyed my report of the event and liked the pics of some Steemians, yes steemit is a world business for anybody and what an amazing platform is I hope to meet more in future.