Website Launch (Beta) Promo-Steem We Want Your Input & Comments
Its finally here! We hereby launch the #promo-steem Website. It is currently in Beta phase, with many features still under development, but we felt we had enough valuable info on the site to be of use to steemit promoters around the world.
During the next 2 weeks we would like your comments and ideas so that we can improve the design, with a goal to have it fully functional over the next 10 weeks.
Please see a short over view video for the site in the video below!
Congratulations! looks awesome... wish you all the success with this great marketing initiative.
Thank you. Glad you like it. Hope you will get involved
Definitely... i am planning to promote in Dubai...
I am sorry for the intervention. I liked your great effort to help me advance the society of steemit ahead of us by working and giving to become better than Facebook in the near future.
Greetings to all of you
Yes I would really want to get involve in this development
congrats for the launch :) looking forward to
Thank you and thanks for your continued and overwhelming support for the #Promo-Steem Initiative. I really appreciate it. Stephen
Finally its here guys! been looking forward to this unique App as most of my posts as a new steemian is tagged promo-steem. I'm excited as this will sure help.
Thank you @ndianasimon. We hope it will be well used and bring value to the platform and the people by sharing all of our knowledge.
It looks great
It does.
looking forward for more.... lol
You nailed it once again @promo-steem.. You never fail to deliver! Will be supporting you all the way!
to this it, another opportunity for the existing and new steemians its a major help appreciate it
I also like it a lot.
Hi @hms818 I live in Dubai too and as I watching that video I was thinking of promoting steemit in Dubai too. Glad to have seen your comment here. I'd like to work with you on this project.
Nice web site to promo steem! As steem price is cheap now! let's buy more!
Finally the great news coincides with the purchase of my new smart phone,now massive Steemit promotion.
I just reveiwed the steemambassadors page and am very happy i already qualify hehehe.
I just need to write the application which will come as soon as you start accepting applications.
I am reviewing the whole website and i can write a very long comment,but let me stop here.
Thanks for the great work legends @starkerz @stephenkendal @anarcotech.
No you are by far the legend @jaraumoses! Brilliant timing on your phone purchase. We look forward to receiving your feedback on the website. All your comments are greatly appreciated. Thank you!
May I once again take this opportunity and thank everyone for their tremendous and overwhelming support for the launch of the new Website.
A great deal of work and effort has been put into this website and I would like to personally thank Matt @Starkerz and Dylan @Anarcotech for their commitment and tireless determination in putting this site together.
There has been a great deal of positive comments which I am grateful for, however, some are left confused as to the purpose of the website.
Despite certain concerns, I can assure you that will NEVER ask for a subscription.
It has been and will continue to be set up as a free to use portal to assist in the Global Marketing and Promotional Initiative as an extension of the #promo-steem tag.
Currently there has been over 1,000 #Steemit Bloggers that have published blogs under the #promo-steem tag and over 500 of them having repeatedly used the tag to share with us their #Steemit Promotions and #Steemit Promoting Campaigns.
The purpose of is simply to pool this work in one location and identifying those #Steemit Users that go the extra mile in promoting #Steemit and the #Steem Blockchain.
@stephenkendal yourself, @starkerz , and @anarcotech have done a huge effort on creating this website, and planning the start and development, as well as actions for #promo-steem . Congratulations for the achievement! I am sure this will serve huge for the growth of the steemit community and to make it a better place everyday!
I checked the website and it looks great. It is just the first release, and communicates your vision with promo-steem, as well as shows each aspect you are covering with the project. Congratulations!
Regards, @gold84
oh rellay!
I have lots of database development, online marketing and analytics experience, so if there's anything I can do to help out, feel free to hit me up and I'll do what I can. I don't have a ton of free time, but I can definitely help out a couple hours a week with optimizing the site for user flows, SEO optimization, setting up/running paid marketing campaigns, etc...
Thanks @therockman. Really appreciate your offer of support. I think over the next few days we will be figuring out who has the time to help us, and what we need, and then we will be contacting folks. Cheers.
Wow, the website is looking very nice, I love the use of color and the details on the front page, I just registered on the site. This is an amazing work @starkerz @stephenkendal @anarcotech thank you very much for this initiative. Keep it up
Regards @ofishea
i want to need yours?help ? can you help me
please help me sir how can I get this support
So far so good. It's fairly easy to navigate and can't wait for the rest of the functions to work. It kept kicking me out but could just be early glitches. Keep up the good work looking forward to what you have in store for the future!
i want to ned yours help
After looking at the site, I honestly have no clue what you're trying to accomplish. It looks like I'm about to get a popup proposing a $9.99/month subscription for Steem tips on how to get rich quick working from home for 5 minutes per day!
It's a wordpress site - can't expect much there.
But yeah - feels and looks a bit amateurish..
Few things of the top of my head that needs fixing:
1.) Favicon missing (the little icon in the tab bar)
2.) Green SSL Bar is missing - you can use Let's Encrypt for that.
3.) Loading time around 8s - waaay to long. (e.g. takes less than a second)
The design is personal taste - some like it, some don't. Me personally? I don't like Wordpress sites and nearly all I've seen look and feel amateurish. Loading times are slow, design is often too generic (it's a template) and not specific enough.
But these are just my 2 cents as a Developer. My expectations are prob. way too high, but the devil is in the details.
I'm pretty sure that the loading times can be increased - even with Wordpress - by tweaking a few things (minifying images, scripts etc.) but this is super important!
An interesting comment, but it is more profitable to start a new day every day;)
yes. this system is regenerating each minute, treating it like how we treat traditional economics is hindering its growth and slowing it down.
please follow me and upvote my posts
why don't you upvote your own posts?
steemit is a shame-free community,
as an additional tip, only follow people you love as they will make up your home page.
In the end, I can upvote my posts only once right :P
each post you can up-vote once yes.
what people don't understand is that by not upvoting, you are letting steem build up and dilute the currency. The less steem and SBD there is, the higher their value will be.
so upvote yourself there's no shame about it :]
then upvote people you love or content you want to see more of.
it's that simple!
same note as for @varun1712

welcome to
you guys rocks <3 its a wonderful project that you were launching <3 i really appreciate your hard working <3 thanks
I love what you said bruh
I was willing to post nearly the same. Glad you did already.
yeah, this looks like a scam site! How can someone upvote this kind of stuff?
please what made it look like a scam site
Agree @geronimo this looks like a scam site. Carefully
Most scams kind of ask for something. What are we asking for? Did you read the whitepaper? Have you figured out what it is we are trying to do? See my response above (under berniesanders post) for more about this.
I agree @berniesanders . Do we really need startup guide? If yes than y we must pay? We can learn it from whales
if you actually visit it, and read it, you will see that's not what it is.
Yeh it sucks
please follow me and upvote my posts
The focus should perhaps begin to be on how to market Steem to people or companies or whoever who wants to pay for the ability to promote things out there in the real world. That is the actual value proposition of STEEM the currency other than pure speculation: if you purchase STEEM and convert it to Steem Power you can reach an audience and get your message across. Is this platform ready for that? To me it seems that it still needs a lot of work.
You are right. We know that. It's basically conceptual for now. Because we want to get the community involved at the early stage.
love it
Agree 100%, whether it's legit or not doesn't matter if the website looks like every "get rich quick" scam website.
ok.this is good new
I am not sure this site will work but great idea and thank so for your post!
To be honest... at this moment im starting to hate steemit. Full or garbage of kids just posting pictures with absolutely no value! and people upvote this garbage.... ugh...
Seems like promo-steem is yet another paramide crypto suckers hole.
So why are you still here?
what was that bro LOL
@berniesanders, I am also a little confused at the end goal. I would like to understand, how this can help with growing steem in general and smaller accounts like myself! @steem-ambassador
yeah its great opportunity for us.
Irony being, we're all voting that comment.
Follow me i will follow back and give upvotes :)
Maybe I am confused but I don't understand how this will help the steem community?
"Wow it finally here" - what does that mean? who was waiting for it and what for?
Upvote for you @steem-ambassador.
I have checked out the website for good solid 20 minutes and I can say, it's very good so far! Not a lot of functions yet, as they are coming in the future, but I like the whole navigation panel and the upcoming content sounds really great. I've tested it on PC and Smartphone as well. I registered an account to check out how it works. When I log in with my phone, it takes me back to the registration page, I don't know why that happens. But when I kept browsing the site, I noticed that I'm actually logged in. I tried adding profile photo and cover, I didn't run in to any problems while doing that.
When I tried logging in on PC, it didn't redirect me to the register page, so I guess it has something to do with phones.
Also, when I try to enter the chat, I'm no longer logged in and whenever I try to log in, nothing seems to happen. I also try to choose the discord method but nothing happens either.
But overall, I'm excited to see all the content that is there already and I can't wait to see all the features added in the future!
Thanks for that @trendo. Really helpful for bugfixing. It is purely in the whitepaper pre-launch phase for now. Functionality is limited, but coming. And we wanted to know we were heading in the right direction before getting down and doing shit loads of work on it, only to find out the community didnt want it. So this phase is really important to us.
Yeah, definitely heading in the right direction! I know functionality is limited but I wanted to test out everything that's already there :D
and its well appreciated mate. Thanks for doing that.
The idea of providing a beta version of the steemit website is indeed a great one because as seen in the video above by @steem-ambassador the new look comes in handy and has lots of new and helpful features which will play a great role in helping us enjoy our steem experience. Kudos and congratulations fellow steemians
We knew when we started this that we wanted this to be very ambitious. We wanted to phase the rollout so the community could see where we were up to, and get a bit of a team together before we launch the big guns. It's been a bit of a monster project so far, and there's lots to do to get it to where we want it to be, but now we can get the community involved too.
That's great. Totally agreed with you. Monster project, LOL
there was a strong whirlwind