Helping those looking for support in their Marketing, Branding, Promoting, Graphics and Funding of their Promotional Activities and Campaigns promoting Steem around the World.

in #promo-steem3 years ago

#Promo-Steem - Supporting those Marketing and Promoting #Steem around the World

RESTEEM steemit blog.png

Marketing and Promoting #Steem around the World ...for FREE.!!

As the #Steem Ecosystem, Community and Blockchain continues to develop and grow I am looking forward to continue to reach out to as many Projects, Businesses, Communities, Accounts, Contests, Events and Shows on #Steem that are looking for support in their Marketing, Branding, Promoting, Graphics and Funding of their Promotional Activities and Campaigns promoting #Steem around the World.


With Marketing a key role in the success of rolling out any successful Project I am always on the look out to help where I can those Campaigns that are looking for support in Marketing.


Alongside all successful Marketing Campaigns sits a strong Brand Awareness Campaign and with so many Projects now choosing to launch on #Steem I am always here to lend an extra pair of eyes when it comes to developing a strong Brand.


Leveraging the success of the #Promo-Steem Project and the recently formed PromoSteem Community I am looking forward to continue to highly recommend promoting as many Promotional Campaigns promoting #Steem through these two great Projects.


With a growing number of off-line Promotional Campaigns now promoting #Steem I am always on the look out to help those seeking design inputs for their Promotional Merchandise, including: Banners, T-Shirts, Fliers, Caps etc.


Funding is often a stumbling block for those looking to run an off-line Promotional Campaign and I look forward to continue to offer as much financial help and support as I possible can to those seeking funds to purchase Promotional Merchandise.

My Charge?

Everything I do on #Steem I do for ...FREE.!!

I will never charge a single penny for what I do and will never ask for any money.

All I ask for

The only thing I ask for in support for what I do is through upvotes and the support of the #Promo-Steem Project and PromoSteem Community.

The more successful the #Promo-Steem Project and the PromoSteem Community are the more help I can give to those looking for support from the above, in particular the help with any funding needed.

Any Questions?

If you have any questions or would like more information on any of the above please do not hesitate to leave a comment below.

Looking forward to announcing more Sponsorships in the coming few days.

Thanks again for reading.


#Promo-Steem - Supporting those Marketing and Promoting #Steem around the World

RESTEEM steemit blog.png


Everything you are doin to promote #steem is just awesome. This kind of offer only can come from you. There is nobody who is supporting to promote #steem as you in #steemit. I wish if there were some more persons like you, the this platform would change and become the best bloging or social media platform in the world.
Thank you.

After reading this blog, I can understand that funding is not a problem for any promotional campaign of #steem. Anyone can join #promo-steem project and promote #steem as the want and the just need to inform you about their promotional plan and the amount they need for that.
You are really doing a lot for this platform and to help every users of this platform.
Thank you so much.

Greetings friend @stephenkendal

I present this activity as the beginning of a series of sporting activities that I will be doing, and where I seek to promote Steemit and Steem, through banner and personal information to all present.

Also, after this event, the club's board will be supporting me with the facilities to hold a Steemit conference.

Sounds like an awesome idea.!!

This is something that I would be happy to help towards the cost of funding and would be pleased to offer a 100 #Steem Sponsorship.


It would be a great support, my friend Stephen,

The idea starts with basketball, but we are looking to promote sports in children through soccer.

A complete promotional package is SK, I loved the photo which define completely the brand SK, Long live SK #steem promotions and spread kindness and love!


Dear @stephenkendal You're unarguable the best supporter in the whole steemit ecosystem; this is beyond comments, I so much 💕 love and appreciate every sacrifice's you're investing toward #promo steem: without hesitation now you have taken it to another dimensions by providing helping hands in terms of marketing, branding, promoting, graphics/funding. At this point of your support, we can now conclude that you're at the forefront of making steemit accommodative, interesting and adaptive for everyone..

This blog should be shared on many social media and retweeted by everyone who is reading, because this blog will encourage many people to promote or marketing #steem in their area and we will get some new promoters. Thank you.

There are many people trying to promote #steem by their own way but money is very important for promotion and they should contact with with you for funding of their promotional idea.
I have seen you always try to support all good ideas for promoting #steem with your sponsorship.
Thank you for your every support.

There are many people around the world who are want to #promotesteem but they are afraid of that, from this post you clear that issue. Now anyone can promote #steem in their area or country. I have also some plan to promote, now i have to design and print some paper. Thanks @stephenkendal sir for making it so clear.


salam tuan @stephenkendal bolehkah saya menambah pencetakan T-shirt yang kemarin yang di sponsori SK, mengingat teman-teman tim panahan ingin memiliki T-shirt juga 🙏

greetings sir @stephenkendal may I add to the printing of the T-shirt that was sponsored by SK yesterday, considering that my archery team friends want to have a T-shirt too 🙏

Sure, how many T-Shirts are you thinking of having printing and how much #Steem are you looking for?


saya ingin mencetak 5 T-shirt lagi tuan @stephenkendal, saya rasa 100 Steem cukup untuk tahap ke dua ini 🙏

I want to print 5 more T-shirts sir @stephenkendal, I think 100 #Steem is enough for this second stage

I would be more than happy to Sponsor a 2nd #Steem Archery Competition Championship for another 100 #Steem that you could use to purchase the additional T-Shirts.

If this is something that you are interested in doing and have a date in mind for a 2nd event I will announce a Sponsorship Offer.

Similar to the 1st #Steem Archery Competition Championship I will be happy to support and promote the #Steem Archery Competition Championship on #Steemit.


baik akan saya laksanakan, dan segera saya akan hubungi tuan @stephenkendal, namun saya sedang mengerjakan project ketiga saya, bersama SK sebentar lagi akan rampung, saya ingin membuat spanduk di tranportasi becak, dengan sponsor SK, kalau sudah rampung segera saya beri tahu tuan @stephenkendal 💪, mudah-mudahan tuan setuju dengan ide baru saya ini.

ok, I will do it, and soon I will contact Mr. @stephenkendal, but I am working on my third project, together with SK it will be finished soon, I want to make a banner for rickshaw transportation, sponsored by SK, when it is finished, I will inform Mr. @ stephenkendal , hopefully you will agree with my new idea.


Looking forward to your new idea.

In the meantime I will announce the Sponsorship Offer for the 2nd #Steem Archery Competition Championship later today.


Baik Tuan @stephenkendal untuk kejuaran kedua akan segera saya kerjakan. dan saya akan selalu siap.. 💪🤠

It is the best time to focus more on #promotingsteem. We can do it for free, why should i take any charges for that, who loves steemit and steem he will do it for free. You gave all the promoters upvote and i think it is perfect. #steem lover always will promote steem for free and from the deep of his heart. Good day sir.