I cannot believe people still use the garbage that is Facebook! The mind boggles that people still use that crap..!! Spreading the love of Steemit around the World.

in #promo-steem7 years ago

Spreading the love of #Steemit around the World


Never been the one to miss an opportunity

Following on from the recent Blog I posted where I shared the Bloomberg News featuring an article on #Steemit, after I posted the Blog I felt compelled to share the article across my Social Network.

Never been the one to miss an opportunity, I couldn't let an article like this slip by without strapping a few flashing lights to it and sending it off to my followers.

In the posts I shared on LinkedIn and Twitter I thought it would be great idea to remind people that "I still cannot believe people use the garbage that is Facebook" and finishing off with "the mind boggles that people still use that crap..!!"

Spreading the love of #Steemit around the World

Spreading the love of #Steemit around the World is what makes me want to get up in the morning, knowing that if I can encourage one more user to take a look at #Steemit and join the Platform, that is one more user that will be unshackled from the garbage of the Centralised Social Media Platforms that have dominated Social Media for the last decade.

For the last 18 months it has sometimes felt that I have been banging my head against a brick wall trying to explain to people that these garbage Centralised Social Media Platforms are simply raping users of their data whilst lining the pockets of the Shareholders, Stakeholders and Investors.

I am buggered if I am going to spend 1 second of my precious life on the garbage that is Facebook, unless that is, to promote #Steemit..!!

Today has been a great day and has been topped off by the article about #Steemit featured on Bloomberg News.

Anyone out there promoting #Steemit and the #Steem Blockchain I highly recommend you share the Bloomberg News article to everyone in your Social Network.

Here's a reminder of the link to the article....


Today is our day..!!

Thanks again for reading.



I am amping up my response to being continually censored on Facebook and Youtube. I made a post/video that screen captures the censorship in progress and now when I post a link to that specific video in comments to my friends on facebook, the comment literally doesn't even appear in FB - it's not even marked as spam - it simply doesn't appear!

The video is here:

For Facebook to go the way of myspace, platforms like steemit and others need to have a lot more features to them, like a messenger and other features you take on facebook for granted.. facebook will be around still for a very long time..

@ura-soul I totally agree with you and know that is happening more and more. That will only take facebook to loosing many bloggers and content makers.

By the way, have you realized I made a post about 10 days ago and mentioned you in one of the Examples #4:

Here is the post:
Promoting Steem - 11 Examples Showing How to Add Value on Steemit & The Steem Blockchain - Promo-Steem - All these Actions are Hugely Helping for the Growth of the Steem Blockchain

Looking forward to your thoughts!

Regards, @gold84

Facebook, oh Facebook. You were......well basically you were shite. Even before I knew about Steemit, I thought it was one of the greatest brainsucks ever. I mean, who gives a flying fuck that someone you met on a bus six years ago posting pictures of their dinner? And who wants to know if auntie dora's historectoy went well, or whether your friends kids are still awake at 1am? It never added any value to my life whatsoever. No, I'm much happier here, thank you very much!

I truly respect your love from the core of my heart. I agree with your many people in this world, who use still facebook and say that crypto is a scam but that people is wrong, because they have no knowledge about and no more awareness in this mater.
I love the way you are spreding love for this community and support by upvotes and @promo-steem. its really gOod in future facebook will nothing than this platform. This websites is awesome that pay users with also blockchain. I love this site this community from the last 2 months. This site pays all user who do hard work here, and facebook is nothing pays you we have waste time on there. I am very glad to be a part of this community and I hope we will successful here by own hard work and learn many new things by you.

STEEMIT is ultimate change our life it will be grateful platform in future and will on the mOon. ThankyOu Sir @stephenkendl to promote this community. You are the hero for this community world love yaa !!

All I see is Steem going to the Moon!!

source (1).gif

facebook is now dust and i also say by by to it and i really addcted of it but when i join steemit it tootly change my life what i learn here in steemit
What I learned here :
Steemit is not only about UPVOTES & Money
It is about writing..
It is about reading..
It is about knowing people and their side of the story..
It is about learning..
It is about finding a path to follow..
It is about keeping yourself motivated to write better..
It is about broadening your thinking..
It is about spending your time productively..
It is about making you think from a different perspective..
It is about writing without any expectations of UPVOTES..

Am just from reading your last very last post and it's clear people are lossing trust in profitless platforms to an average person like facebook. It's interesting how people haven't realized that they have wasted alot of time on facebook with out earning.
Thanks, let's spread out the love of steemit all around.
Have witnessed most people that join steemit never look back.
It's that clear, steemit is the future, keep up with the goodwork of promoting.

We have already started doing that @stephenkendal. #Steemit featuring on Bloomberg News is going to be my status on different socail network platforms for a while from now. This is a good direction #steemit is taking. It beats my mind a lot too seeing the facebook page open on a person's phone or PC. What in the world are people still doing giving away their precious time to trash that doesn't bring returns. Not a single return comes from facebook. It's so unfortunate for these people. Let's play our part by showing them #steemit.. for them to have a direction in life

yap you 100% right facebook really is big garbage who had never help anyone directly .. but steemit is the community which has been helping in all the way to the users .... steemit unique quality and the great pay out system make it exra ordinary and amazing community.. after joining steemit i had delete my Facebook account to give my all time to the steemit @stephenkendal great one and well said.

@magoo-1 on duty now.

Hlw author this guy owner multi ID and always comment by multi ID.This person always try to chest and get your reward.

You can check report


We know that Facebook is playing dirty games, from spying on your and selling your "private" information to censoring you on sensitive topics including but not limited to politics.Time to free humans and give a chance to freedom of expression, Facebook never intended to do that Steemit is reverse of facebook . It gives reward by writting and posting and also we can earn without investment .Steemit is the future of all social media platform.

im yotally agreed with you Facebook is really a garbage... it's take our time and story and never pay us nay penny 😧😧
but the steemit is the platform where all get paid and get respect love and support which is so incredible and amazing... i love the steemit and i promote it in every step of my life to the friends and family in my own family there are 11 people's using steemit also in my friends some are started to join and they just loving it ... and i will spread it more @stephenkendal let's just spread it to the world and make them know how amazing is this steemit community is ☺

@magoo-1 on duty now.

Hlw author this guy owner multi ID and always comment by multi ID.This person always try to chest and get your reward.

You can check report


what the hell ... give me an evidence of having multiple accounts.. how can you blame me you don't even know the correct spelling?? you must be spammer