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RE: Facebook will not sell your data, according to a 2009 video interview of Mark Zuckerberg

is this an honest statement?

Zuckerberg saying that his company will not sell user data in response to a direct question from the BBC reporter.

may be in the beware!!
on the other hand we have to review developments because they are ours
I have always deleted facebook and did not update imformasi again in faceebook. facebook is a collection of silly people who post silly things Let's be honest here what Google is doing makes Facebook look like an amateur who is playing catch up. Has never been a worldwide fan.
steemit is a collection of great people with accurate and full of people with great work. steemit is worldwide and the people love it


You are right, Google has all of our emails and searches. Plus, some phones... Much better data than Facebook.

as I said facebook is a collection of ridiculous people. But we have to be wary of him because this is a competition and I had time to read some articles that mention that facebook has been lingering about blockchain.

is this an honest statement?

Zuckerberg has a background with unduly use of information. Ever since his first projects, he has been collecting and sharing the private information of his users.