180 Emotions - Journal Prompts (Part 1 of 6 - Intro + Happiness)

in #prompts7 years ago

About This Prompt Book

(This in an e-book I created but never published. Enjoy, my Steem friends.)

Hello, I've created this book of questions to help you begin (or continue) your journey into writing down your thoughts. It is meant to give you a better understanding of the six emotions we all experience: Happiness, Sadness, Fear, Anger, Surprise, and Disgust. By answering these questions, you will learn a lot about yourself. You will gain insight into who you are now, who you used to be, and who you want to become. This book may even help you realize what changes you need to make in your life to become a happier, healthier you. But most of all, this book will get you writing.

The Prompts

There are 180 prompts in this book, 30 for each emotion. However, there are many more than just 180 questions to answer. Each prompt has multiple questions to help direct you in asking yourself the important things about an event or the feelings you experienced. If you feel like going into more detail with a question, that's great! After all, this book is all about looking deeply at yourself, being honest, and putting it all on paper (or the computer).

Answer these prompts in any order that you wish or at any pace. Here are some suggestions to get you going:

Try answering a question in a category that matches your mood for the day. Feeling angry? Work on a prompt in the angry section of this book.

Try doing one prompt in the morning of each day and letting that thought stay with you throughout the day. Add onto that prompt before you go to sleep.

Complete the first question of every category. Then do the second question of every category, and continue that pattern.

Want to be completely random? You can use the website Random.org to decide for you. Choose a category by generating a number between 1 and 6. 1 will be Happiness and 6 will be Disgust. The other numbers will match the category that matches the order that they show up in this book. Next will be a number between one and two to decide past or present. Then put in the numbers 1 and 15, and you will have your question. For example: My selection was 3 (Category: Fear), 2 (Present), and 1 (Question #1).

It doesn't matter how you answer these prompts; it only matters that you do. I won't spend anymore time getting you prepared for this book, because only you have the answers that will satisfy you.

Good luck. I hope this leads to some self-discovery, or at the very least, you will have found a way to get some words out.


The warmest and fuzziest of all emotions. Your best and kindest friend. If only you could rely on happiness to always be there.


1. Write about a time when you felt like you won. What did you win? Was it an easy thing to do or was it difficult?

2. Who in your life has made you the happiest? What things did they do for you? What things did you do together?

3. What thing from nature has put a smile on your face? When was the last time you saw it? What kind of emotions did you feel?

4. When was the last time you were glad to see someone? In detail, write about the experience.

5. Can you remember a time from your childhood that your parents made you smile? Describe the event. What does it mean to you now?

6. What was the last trip you enjoyed? What did you do? What made it special?

7. When was the last time you went out of your comfort zone and had a positive experience? Write in detail what happened.

8. When did you learn something new that made you happy? What was it that you learned? Why are you glad you learned this?

9. Write about a dream you've had that made you smile when you woke up and remembered it.

10. When was the last day you had during which everything seemed to go perfectly? Write about it from start to finish.

11. Write about a good deed that made you feel happy when you did it. What was it? Did anyone else appreciate what you did?

12. What was your last accomplishment? How long did it take you to achieve what you set out to do? Write about your feelings and the responses you received from others.

13. Have you ever cried tears of joy? Laughed hysterically? What made you do it?

14. When was the last time you played a game with someone and enjoyed yourself? What was the game, and who did you play the game with?

15. What was the last movie that you liked watching? What about it made you happy?


1. What is a place that you can go to that makes you feel relaxed and content? Describe this place. Does anyone else know about it?

2. Write about an animal that brings joy to your life (you may choose one from a movie or book if you don't own a pet). What is the animal's name? What kind of animal is it, and what does it do that makes it special?

3. What things about your life make you feel empowered? What people make you feel fulfilled?

4. What is something someone can say to you at any moment that will make you happy? Why does this phrase or saying have so much meaning to you? Does it mean more when a certain person or certain people say it?

5. What is something that you do daily to give yourself a moment of peace? What are some things you can do?

6. Is there any outfit or article of clothing that you wear because it has a positive impact on your mood? Is there a reason behind its special meaning to you? Was it a gift from someone?

7. With what colors do you find you surround yourself the most? Do these colors complement a happy outlook? Describe the objects in your daily path that have these colors.

8. What is something with which you plan on rewarding yourself? Is it something that costs money? How will this improve your life?

9. Think about what three big changes you'd like to make to your life over the next year. What things do you want to be different, and how can you achieve them? What positive things will you encounter once you've succeeded in making this change? Relief? Happiness? Confidence?

10. What can you spend more time looking at in order to be happier? Are there any pictures that bring out fond memories for you? Sentimental items? Or maybe you just want to appreciate the trees outside more? Try to incorporate looking at these things in your daily life, and then describe the difference it has made for you.

11. Do you feel like there are any things that have been on your unwritten to-do list for too long? What are the top three things you want to do but haven't found the time to do? Write these down, and write down why it is important for you to complete these things. Why have you been putting them off? Make the effort to erase these from your to-do list. Was it difficult or hard? How do you feel now?

12. In what ways do you make other people happy? Do you feel happy when you do these things for others?

13. Are there any objects that give you comfort? What are they, and in what ways do they make you happy? Do these objects have any deeper meanings?

14. Is there a food or meal that you like more than everything else? Why is it your favorite? When was the last time you had it? What was the occasion?

15. What is something you like to do that many people wouldn't want to do? Why does it feel good to you to do this thing?


What a great idea. I'm going to get started on a journal tonight. I've been meaning to start one. This is just what I needed. Thanks.

Thank you. I hope you've been enjoying writing.