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RE: We Need to Get RON PAUL to Join Steemit! A Real Representative of PERSONAL LIBERTY!

in #proposals9 years ago (edited)

I have just sent this email to the Ron Paul institute:


I'm reaching out today because I found an opportunity for Congressman Paul in regards to public outreach and fundraising.

There is a new website called where individuals can generate real money based on the content they upload. It runs on a blockchain similar to BitCoin.

The reason I think that Congressman Paul would be interested in this site is because there is a massive Libertarian community already formed on the site. Many readers on are proponents of personal liberty and sound money, two things Congressman Paul champions.

I hope that you can get back to me. Congressman Paul would be very well received on the site. Please feel free to contact me if you'd like more information.

Thank you,

[My name]

I'll be looking out for a response.


Ron Paul was never a Senator, he was a congressman. His son, Rand, is a Senator.

I sent two emails, one directed toward Ron and one for Rand (figured it wouldn't be a bad option). I just copied the wrong one. Edited.