in #proverb7 years ago

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Children are blessings,particularly in what they help us to learn. We all think we know sometime so well until we get a child asking us questions. I am reminded of the phenomenon known in science as the Mpemba effect. The name comes from an African scientist from Tanzanian called Erasto Mpemba. The story behind his discovery is this: Erasto Mpemba, as a teenager in an African high school, asked a physics lecturer “Why is it that when I put hot water and cold water in the freezer together, the hot liquid freezes first?” His classmates laughed at him; even his teacher laughed at him; but the physics lecturer, intrigued, decided to try it out; and sure enough, the kid was right. The two of them studied the problem and published their results. A child should be encouraged to ask questions. But more importantly we must be curious to find out what questions a child is not asking or are asking non-verbally. Often times we don’t know a child because we don’t pay attention to the child. “ Look at your child to see his questions before he asks them.” That will put you in position to prepare your answer. Be prepared!

Country’s Proverb: #Namibia 🇳🇦