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RE: Study on DMT entities

in #psychedelics7 years ago (edited)

My 34 years old brother died recently i got in an emotional black hole man;

i thought i could do it all bymyself; how ego was that!
mushrooms was the only transdimensional force that helped me out;
By trippng; No; you dont meet your dead relatives in other dimensions;
in fact if you are not fine mind and body you will get worse;

we know little of Life and less of Death;

My point of view as an I.T. analyst/developer;
it's technology; galactical transdimensional technology;

Ayahuasca peyote Mushrooms tried themall they are all dmt; technologies that stimulates/feeds/feedback our language;

we are fungi symbiotes we are fungi/plantae/animals;

entheogens are the connection into hyperspace;

the realms of the mind;

as our technology in this reality/simulation/prison/whatever you wanna callit is internet and now blockchain is the connection into actual Space;

networks is key;

networks create form across dimensions with conciousness as an emergent property;


Interesting perspective and sorry for your loss. I have noticed similarities and differences from the Tryptamines. Simply amazing how a little molecule can have such profound effects.