What is enough?

in #psychology6 years ago


The insatiable need for more is what defines many lives in our modern world. Many never stop the persistent chase of what seems like elusive fulfillment. No amount of wealth, fame or power seems enough. No matter how much material or immaterial gains many have acquired they keep searching for more.

Such people are often accused of being greedy, ungrateful or selfish but when we look closely we would find them suffer a chronic feeling of incompleteness within that can’t be healed. Each new gain temporarily gives them a feeling of wholeness before they feel incomplete again. Each time they believe it is a matter of one new accomplishment, prize, relationship, sum of money, car, house or position to feel enough, then they realized it was not.

The truth is that no external thing could ever compensate for that feeling of incompleteness. The belief that one needs this or that to become enough is being planted into people minds since early childhood. For society to encourage a person to act in a certain way or accept certain beliefs, for media to sell their stories, advertising agencies to sell their products a person shall have the urge to take whatever they are selling, and nothing feels worse than incompleteness.

People were taught it is what is out there that can make them feel whole, they grew attached to what they own, identified with it and attribute their feeling of incompleteness to lack of other things.

It is a good piece of advice to be grateful for what you have but it still implies that you shall have something to be OK, and it is better than having nothing. While, in fact, Feeling enough is innately independent of external belongings. Everyone is born into the life free of the feeling of inadequacy, incompetence, and incompleteness. Everyone is worthy and complete the way he is.

let your heart realize that you are enough. Nothing can add to who you are, and nothing can take from it.


Wow @alignment!
I have no words for this!💗
Not only do you write in such a beautiful way, but the things you write are extremely wise and thoughtful!🌟
No kidding, it’s rare I come across articles that make me feel like the way I feel while reading yours.
I will have to write down some of the inspiring stuff contained in this one.
You have my greatest respect!💜🙏🏻
This needs to be put out there !!

Happy you liked it, and pleased that you find what is worthy of being written down. It is only what comes from the heart that reaches other hearts. Thank you for your sweet comment.🙏🏻

You are welcome:)