Your life is not the repetitive story your mind tells.

in #psychology7 years ago (edited)

Most of us perceive their lives as stories. In our minds life is a progression of events that follow each other; linear continues passage of time.

Perceiving one’s life as a story brings suffering. What goes wrong and what goes right, moving up and down our emotional roller coaster. As a story life for us should follow a certain direction. We are harsh on ourselves about how the story shall proceed and how life is supposed to be. As we repeat the story we emphasize on suffering, we mentally recreate past events and feelings which disconnects us from reality.

It might be studying history of ancient people, reading stories, or listening to the stories told by elderly people about their lives that we became programmed to perceive life as story.

Life is nothing but the moment you are experiencing right now. It is all what life is. At every moment life has a different shape which has nothing to do with the story your mind keeps repeating. All aspects of life exist only in this very moment and out of the walls of your mind.

The quality of life is the quality of the moment you are currently experiencing.

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The media has a way of convincing people what they should strive to achieve or, more specifically, to own.

It actually does. Bringing people to believe that they need certain things to happiness, to be impressive, to be good people and to be safe. Those who control media convince people to need what media offers.

To convince someone that they are lacking a product to be happy, for the sake of discussion, is the same as telling them they are unhappy. What if this person was already happy before hearing the ad? Then it becomes manipulation.

With persistence and repetition people would start to believe that their lives are not what they are supposed ro be. Another point is that they offer their products as a solution to low self esteem, confidence and whatever someone believes he lacks.

Indeed. The other side of the equation is people tend to be overconfident of their actual abilities. So for these people, their self esteem is not always built on solid ground. They are prone to "attack" in this manner.

But hang on. Is this really the rule of the herd or is it major corporations knowing how they majority thinks and just exploiting it?

Its the second one, You can watch a documentry called The Century Of The Self, a 4 parter on pootube. Youd be amazed at how masses are made to do things they dont really want to do !

Life actually is one big narrative, with many many episodes or chapters. To find the now is to find the Exit (Enlightenment). We learn from people like U.G. (Krishnamurti) that this could lead to a hell on earth. While here, on surface Earth, I recommend, you tell a good story - with dips into the Now for refreshment!
Nice piece to help people reflect more deeply!

It is only the now that is there. The story is nothing rather than a group of thoughts in one's head. :)

Yes, what we perceive as our personal stories takes big part of our thinking, it usually keeps popping up distracting us from the now. Being here & now is the ultimate goal beyond my post provided that it doesn't become part of the story. ;)

Really nice post. I particularly liked this line "All aspects of life exist only in this very moment and out of the walls of your mind" Although i'm still a bit confused as to how you're really viewing life. We don't need to look into the past then?

Generally, this is a very inspiring post. 👏

We only need the lessons we learnt from the past without dwelling in it, or mentally recreating it's events. Life is only what you are experiencing in present moment.

agree :)
reminded me of the Kloons vid I just saw

Thank you :)

Fancy some more Ken Wilber here :)

Succinct and perfect as always
I wonder sometimes if mind is 90% fear and pain is 90% mind.
I love to play there, but it can years before I come back out
what a wonder life is :)