
I had some specific cases in mind when I wrote the post - the kind of people who come to you to complain about their unhappy lives, yet when you suggest the obvious change... nothing! Usually, the answer I get is 'yes, you're right', end of conversation, nothing changes...over and over again...
As for time, I don't know, the more you age the less time you have...
I'm curious about your quote - is it Aerosmith?

Google says it's a

Quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson

I dun know, I just say things.

'yes, you're right', end of conversation, nothing changes...over and over again...

This triggers a reminder that this is the same mentality battered wives give when people tell them to leave the husband. How do we get stuck in these unhealthy situations for all eternity? So weird.

I suppose we convince ourselves that the solution is even worse than what we have. People are prone to stay the same rather than change. I know so many people who've lived within the same 20 mile radius their whole lives. Change is not easily accepted.