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RE: Bullies, the Tyranny of Authority and the Abuse of Power

in #psychology8 years ago

I don't know why they have such hard feelings about you, but they haven't hit you as hard as @skeptic, @technocomanche, and @noganoo, they have been shut down for a while.

Being part of something where I'm not treated like everyone else, were I'm mistreated, isn't something that goes well with me. I don't tolerate that.

I know the power elites have a poor record for equity with those not of the inner circle.
Unless you brown nose tptb you can forget getting enough money to live well on, while the approved folks make bank.
I get that, the marbles are theirs.

the rules aren't being applied consistently.

So, what to do?
I just keep beating my drum, one day the folks will look up and see that the answer was being hidden from them by doublethinc all along.


Indeed, I try to move on but the flags don't stop. So I will keep beating the drum about the issue, no matter how many low-quality-thinking people want to say its just whining, complaining and other attempts to silence the issue from being exposed more and more. Resolving a problem doesn't happen if few are aware of it and few people support it. Thanks for the feedback.