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RE: Unpacking Baggage - Pilots and Fathers

in #psychology6 years ago (edited)

The way I look at it, being angry is like being cold. It's a reaction to stimulus. Denying that you're angry is like walking around in the snow with no boots. Taking your anger out on others is like making everyone else wear a coat. Ok that's not perfectly apt but you get the idea.

You can't control what you feel, you can only control what you do about it.

Getting to the root of the anger is a great start, I think.


A stoot observation. Thank you sir.

Actually that sounds remarkably similar to another analogy someone told me once. That staying angry about something is like drinking poison and hoping the other person dies.

Heh, and yeah, I tell my kid "it's OK to be angry, you just can't hit things"... guess I should take my own advice.