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RE: Perceived Power and Authority from Wearing a Police Uniform Affects How We View Ourselves and Others

in #psychology8 years ago

Times change and with them the narratives that people hold and portray.

It used to be people were free and had the responsibility in their hands, it has changed during the past 100 years in most places towards: The state can say what is ok, what business is winning, what market is growing.

Nowadays, people are viewed as terrorists, if they don't openly allow others to go through their shit.

And unless we continue doing the same shitty "job" we won't make it out of the stuck up "economy", debt is piling up on everyone, less people are wondering why and more continue to push narratives.

We don't need more jobs and more order(bureaucracy), I would argue we need more freedom and peace, to stop doing shit we don't need and to start going where we want to be. If only more people stopped to think we might even find solutions :D.