Do you Know Why You Can't Stop Masturbation?

in #psychology7 years ago

It is majorly because it has become an addiction.

 What is an Addiction?

An addiction is a condition characterized by engagement with activities or ingesting substances that can be pleasurable but soon becomes compulsive other areas of life. In the case of masturbation, it interferes with many aspects of life as well as making you less interested in real sex. Many have been reported of feeling guilty after the act, this might be traced to paradigms and religious bases.

To overcome masturbation is a little difficult especially depending on how long you've been involved in the act, it also depends on factors such as as much you stay alone etc. There are many disadvantages that can be listed on reasons not to masturbate but this will have minimal effort towards helping you stop masturbation: This can be noticed among smokers, majority of them know the disadvantages and health problem acquired from smoking, so also drinkers. You'd be surprised to know medical doctors smoke even with the perfect and complete knowledge of the mechanism of how smokers derive lung and heart diseases. The simple answer is that this is an addiction. It is a thing of the body and Mind.


Quiting masturbation can be hard due to some factors which include:

  • How long you've been involved in the act.
  • If you do it alone or in pair.
  • How much you masturbate in a day, week.
  • Where you masturbate.

Quiting mastubation is hard enough because it is an addiction, addiction is an issue of both the body and the mind.

Next year approach fast and wouldn't it be a good thing to not masturbate. Here, I'll be guiding you into quiting masturbation. First thing first, you should be aware this wont be easy... No one is promising you an easy sailing. 

Quickly answer the following question quickly with a definite yes or no.

  • Do you masturbate with the aid of porn?
  • What about sex objects?
  • Did you start masturbating as a teenager?
  • Have you tried many times to stop masturbating?

Masturbation among men is usually with the aid of porns, they often are not involved with sex objects. Masturbation can be stopped from the level of the mind.

Know the reason you want to quit masturbating: You should have a solid reason you want to quit the habit. If you do not have any reason, it's best you brainstorm at least three reasons. You could want to stop because of religious belief, interference with normal sexual desire for opposite sex, deprivation of normal activities of the day, guilty feelings etc. 

Have a proper mindset: You need to equip yourself with proper mindset about masturbation such as:

  • It is an addiction when it interferes with the normal activities of your day and life. 
  • You are not alone, people don't talk about it but about 90% of the people you see every day masturbate.
  • It's normal if you falter, simply dust yourself and continue.

You should avoid being alone as possible: This is necessary because thoughts of masturbation comes more strong when you are alone. You can masturbate when people are in the room. For the mean time, if  you are someone that love privacy, you might need to stay outdoor more.

You should stop pornography: This comes with will power, yo should avoid surfing porn online. Destroy the porn cassette. Porn is very unhealthy; it replaces normal sexual set up of the brain making it hard to find sexual pleasure in partners. Porn is fake sex. You can never achieve what the sex in porn is bringing to your mind.

Exercise: Working out help you learn a lot of things. It is not only the training of the body but you'd be surprised how much effect it has on the mind. Plan an indoor workout routine if you can't hit the gym.

You get busy doing stuffs: Get involved in sport, in learning, in tourism, playing instrument etc. Things that keep you busy. Avoid getting busy through movies and social networks as these are possible ways of getting urge to masturbate. People get addicted to social medias paying more attention will cause shift of addiction, from masturbating to getting highly addicted to social medias. 

Patience and consistency is key: You surely will overcome with patience, consistency and believing in yourself. You can do it.

When the urge becomes too strong, say something: Masturbation thoughts come in the mind. Things in the mind do not have solid shapes, by talking out loud (that is applied in case of affirmations ) you disembody the thought. Say positive things like "This is day 10, i won't masturbate" , "Stop bothering me" , "I must stop this habit" etc.

Get a girlfriend/ boyfriend: This tactic works in shifting your attention from masturbation(which involves you alone) to having a healthy relationship(with someone). In case you already have a girlfriend/boyfriend, simply give him / her more attention. Go out together, spend more time talking, go on dates, play games etc

I'd be writing soon more about masturbation addiction and also on how to quit pornography. Addictions comes in various way, they come as a result of desiring short term pleasure. You might be aware but you might be addicted to other things and people. Addictions are not healthy and should be treated.

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Further reading:

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This may be related to some post-traumatic response. It should be noted that sex addiction is usually progressive (ie, every time an addict needs more and more sex, and spends more and more of his day thinking about sex and trying to have sex). In this sense, the Internet may be a catalyst for deterioration, because the sexual content in it is very available.