Methods and Practices of Mind Control: Splitting and Spinning — Secret Doors, Hidden Rooms, Chapter 2.0 and 2.1

in #psychology6 years ago (edited)


The Master Psychologists rely on your ignorance.

We have established that occult (or 'hidden') groups rely on the general public’s ignorance to their methods. These groups also rely on the media channels and education system (much of which they have narrative control over) to exclude any information on this topic.

Moreover, the Master Psychologist’s state media outlets, for example the BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation), are known to have actively supplied children to occult groups, like the one connected with child-rapist Jimmy Savile. The problem is, therefore, not merely one of information being omitted from media channels, but the media channels themselves being active participants in the rape of children for the purpose of control. Jimmy Savile, for example is known to have abused over a thousand children on the property of the British state broadcaster.

As the media theorist Marshall McLuhan noted, “Only the small secrets need to be protected. The big ones are kept secret by public incredulity.”

In this chapter we will explore, in detail, the various methods used by occult (or 'hidden') groups to create a state of control. First, it is necessary to understand the concept of 'splitting', or 'compartmentalization' that trauma-based mind-control seeks to create in us.

What is splitting?

Splitting is the process by which trauma fractures a person’s sense-of-self into separate pieces. Each ‘split’ piece may have its own motives, beliefs, experiences, and programming. Some psychologists have called this split state one of ‘multiple-personality’. However, splitting rarely manifests as obviously as this. Most survivors of abuse are split in such a way that is very hard to detect. In fact, most of us are split in one way or another. The mind is very resilient under attack, and usually a single ‘personality’ will dominate. This gives the impression, in most people, of continuity throughout the system.


Shattered people

Just as pieces of a shattered hologram will still show the entire photographed image, but from a reduced number of angles, each piece of a shattered psyche shows experience from a reduced number of angles. One such shard might contain the experiences of being abused as a child, another might exclude it entirely. Often it is the shattered pieces of our internal hologram that exclude these traumas that form our dominant or ‘host’ personality. We are protected from the overwhelming nature of our traumas by splitting, and then disconnecting from any split pieces that contain abuse memories. We will be using several different metaphors to explore this topic of splitting. For now, let’s leave this hologram metaphor here and move onto another.

Closing the floodgates

Splitting is a natural function of the human nervous system and will occur if the brain and its associated systems are subjected to forces of violence and abuse that completely overwhelm the body’s capacity to process. For example, being raped as a child.

Put another way: The nervous-system will, metaphorically, ‘blow a fuse’ under attack.

When this biological fuse blows, the entire current contents of a person’s immediate consciousness may split into a sub-part of the system, separate from the whole, and inaccessible to the whole. This is the equivalent of a fuse on a battleship tripping a flood-gate, and this flood gate then closing off a room in the ship that has been torpedoed.

In this illustration, we can see that a ship is designed so that, if a room in the ship floods, this room can be sealed off from the rest of the vessel. This allows the ship to stay afloat (or the human being to continue functioning) while the damaged part is sealed off.


Exactly the same process happens in the human brain, with the difference that the brain is able to architect rooms and flood gate systems on the fly. It does not rely on a predefined architecture. It can do in ‘software’ what the battleship can only do in ‘hardware’.

If the psyche is subjected to extreme trauma, the brain may construct a room around the event and seal it off from normal-waking-consciousness (the rest of the ‘battleship’ in our metaphor). The person may, subsequently, not have full, or even partial, recollection of the event.

After this sealing-off of the room, the psychodynamic charge of the event (or its ‘emotional resonance’) will linger in an unresolved present. This psychodynamic charge may manifest itself as a generalized (meaning ‘without apparent specific cause’) anxiety, depression (‘repression’) or other pathology. This is because the emotions attached to the event were never attached to the experience and processed. Put another way: The person’s emotions connected with the trauma now have no object, and therefore these feeling are not bound in time. Instead of being stored ‘in the past’, they assume a timeless state; in limbo.

To return to our ship analogy: The crew in the remaining rooms of the flooded ship feel terrified that part of the ship is now sealed off, but cannot attach their feelings of fear or anxiety to any specific event — they cannot see inside the sealed rooms to know what happened to their crew-mates; and if they open the floodgates the rest of the ship will surely sink.


Hidden rooms

This is the situation for many trauma-survivors who seek help: They feel panic and confusion over the devastation that lies in the sealed rooms of their ship (‘the mind’). This is combined with the mortal fear that opening the doors to any of these rooms will flood their ship and it will sink.

Sadly, very few medical practitioners have any knowledge of this psychological process and the survivor is often abandoned to the pharmaceutical industry. The survivors repression (‘depression’) is then chemically enhanced by a barrage of drugs that seek to stop the expression of symptoms rather than excavate the cause of those symptoms.

This situation is a natural consequence of the symptom-preoccupied approach that is preferred in societies where trauma-based mind-control is the prevailing orthodoxy. Establishing the true cause of symptoms is taboo in a mind-controlled society. We will return to this topic later in the book.

Although splitting-off part-selves allows the survivor of abuse to continue functioning, it comes with a cost: Just as a ship with flooded rooms will have impaired freedom of movement and expression, so too will the human ‘ship’ that has been subjected to trauma-based mind-control. This reduced bio-psychic mobility occurs because ‘keeping the floodgates shut’ requires considerable resources in the body. Often, the person’s entire neurological system must modulate itself to ‘repress’ / ‘depress’ the memory of the trauma. The body does this by either down-regulating or up-regulating the availability of various neurotransmitters.

The trauma survivor’s body must undertake a constant chemical juggling-act whose primary purpose is to keep the floodgates closed.

Once the reader understands this basic mechanism of defence against traumatic experience, the aetiology (origin) of almost all human pathology falls into clear focus. Much disease is our societies is psychological. It is literally, dis-ease; a state of not being at ease.

What is disease?

Huge numbers of people in our societies who fall ill with a ‘dis-ease’ may in fact be survivors of trauma-based conditioning. This societal conditioning can run the gamut from traumas of omission (being left to ‘cry out’ as an infant, for example) or traumas of commission (being beaten as a child), or ritually abused by an occult group.

Trauma-based-conditioning and the resultant ‘splitting’ off the psyche can be an unintended consequence of violence towards a child. By ‘unintended’, we mean that a parent’s primary motive was not to split the child. For example, a parent abandoning a child to ‘cry-out’ in a timeless void, is not aware that they are splitting that child. They may even have been reassured this is a ‘normal’ thing to subject a child to. This same violence was simply done to them as children and they are repeating it unconsciously.

Although abandoning an infant is a form of trauma-based mind-control (and we will return to it later in this book), it differs from many of the practices of organized occult groups because the perpetrator (parent) in this case is ignorant of the psychological consequences of this action.

However, occult groups are conscious of their actions. They have the specific aim of causing the child’s psyche to split and compartmentalize. We should mention that although adults can be induced to compartmentalize too (as many soldiers are), children are most vulnerable to splitting and programming.

Children’s minds are highly neuroplastic — in a state of primary development. This neuroplasticity is something that occult groups have known for centuries although their terminology differed. The phrase, “Give me a child until he is seven and I will give you the man,” is attributed to Francis Xavier, the co-founder of the Jesuit Order, a congregation of the Catholic Church. If the attribution is accurate, then the Catholic priest-class knew of their powers to use trauma-based mind-control on children over 480 years ago (Xavier lived in the 16th Century) and likely centuries prior.

It is well known by Master Psychologists and those who comprise their pedophile rings, like the Catholic Church, that abusing children produces an adult population that they can extort and control with little effort.


Raping children on the scale that many so-called ‘religious’ groups do will have lifelong consequences for those children. Those who have been able to open the floodgates on the doors of their psyches to heal the abuse are few.

Most survivors of trauma-based mind-control live in a state of depression, while many more live in a state of denial and unconsciousness, continuing to attend the rituals of the organization who abused them as children. The difficulty in becoming conscious of the extent to which we, as a society, have been manipulated by these trans-national ‘religious’ groups lies in the fact that they have perfected their repertoire of mind-control techniques for many centuries. It is compounded by the fact that we were programmed as children and no longer have access to the ‘flooded rooms’ in our psyche where that programming was undertaken.

The purpose of splitting

The splitting a child (or adult’s) psyche into parts serves two purposes for the Master Psychologists.

First, splitting the child’s psyche means that the child’s normal-waking-consciousness cannot give an account of the abuse that takes place. In other words, trauma-based conditioning occults (or ‘hides’) the abuse. It allows the perpetrators to keep abusing a child without the child being able to give an accurate record of the abuse.

The second purpose of splitting is that different parts of the psyche can be programmed with instructions and given triggers to respond. The survivor is subsequently unaware of this programming in normal-waking-consciousness.

Far from being an outlandish notion, this programming technique was clearly demonstrated by the psychologist Pavlov. The Master Psychologists have simply added compartmentalization to Pavlov’s methods. In other words: a person can be operand (or associatively) conditioned by a perpetrator and then ‘split’ so that all recollection of this programming is inaccessible in normal-waking-consciousness. There are many established ways by which to induce splits. It is especially common after, or during, ritualized childhood abuse to fracture the psyche. Later in this chapter we cover the major techniques.

How common is trauma-based conditioning?

The casual reader with no background in the psychodynamics of ritual abuse, or its prevalence, may find the next statement difficult to digest:

In our opinion, ritual abuse underpins our global governmental and economic system. We also find that this abuse occurs on an epic scale: Those children who are not rendered submissive to authority by the standard ritual abuse of the 'family' (and its implicit hierarchies of parent-child relationships and authoritarian conditioning) are likely to be rendered to conditioning camps elsewhere for more programming. Our research indicates that the entire system of trauma-based conditioning is orchestrated and intentional in many societies on Earth.

If a child appears as though they might pose a threat to power structures later in life, they are commonly identified by members of churches, schools or other social-control systems (often by so-called 'teachers') or by adults who were once themselves programmed by the ritual-abuse camps. These ‘non-compliant’ children are sent away on ‘adventure holidays,’ to ‘church groups’, ‘camps’ or other activities where they are singled-out for conditioning. Multiple days of ritual abuse can then be enacted on them in relative secrecy.

2.1 Spinning

Spinning typically involves binding the child’s leg (or legs) and suspending the child from the ceiling by a rope. The child's body is then spun around upside-down until the child begins throwing up. This abuse may be interspersed with submerging the child head-first underwater, often in a small pool situated beneath the rope. Survivors have also reported spinning methods that involve horizontal spinning (as opposed to the vertical spinning of the aforementioned rope). This horizontal spinning may take place on a table. Spinning can also be induced on an axis (on a pole, for example), or inside a cylinder. [Lovern, 1995.] This is repeated again and again until the child has split.

Spinning has been reported to be combined with compelling the child to imbibe substances including sedatives and/or anti-anti-nausea drugs. It can be combined with strobe lights and bright, or colored lights [Lovern, 1995.] and music designed to increase susceptibility to programming which may be issued during the spinning abuse.

Splitting may be determined to have occurred at the point at which the child stops struggling or throwing up. At this point, the psyche has suffered complete internal collapse and a split is likely to have occurred. The child’s conscious awareness of what happened to them immediately leading up to the spinning is now repressed / depressed.

We can see how reference to spin-programming is likely contained within the symbol systems of occult groups, including known pedophile rings who use 'spiral' imagery:


As John D. Lovern, Ph.D. observes, “spin programming, appears designed to spread effects such as pain, painful emotions, and other feelings or urges globally throughout a patient’s personality system for purposes of either designing and building a young victim’s personality system, or harassing older victims and disrupting psychotherapy.” In other words, spin programming is a primary method of forcing major changes in the child’s internal landscape for the purposes of programming the child. Lovern goes on to observe that, “Spin programming appears to be based on a combination of physical spinning, cognitive and imagery training… aimed at creating an internal multi-alter.”

This construction of a mult-alter system, or part-selves, is the objective of this method of trauma-based mind-control.

Why are children 'spun'?

The purpose of this spinning torture, often enacted on children who are being ritually abused, is to split them into part-selves. Often, due to being totally overwhelmed by the dizziness and pain, the only solution for a child's nervous system is to split the part of the child that has endured this torture into a separate self. This is a well-studied phenomena and is the way that our brains cope with overwhelming torture as children.

This type of programming technique is one of many reasons why ritual abuse has gone on for so long, effected so many children, and remained so difficult to detect. When an organized occult group uses splitting-methods, like spinning, the group can condition thousands of children by raping them and/or spinning them and imposing further programming. This technique exploits known vulnerabilities in the human nervous system that induces splitting and can result in lifelong impairment.

These children, as adults, are likely to have no conscious recollection of this spin programming. However, they have now been programmed — at the very least — to comply with and accept 'authority' and global inequality, and — at the very worst — to re-enact the abuse they have experienced on the next generation. Spinning is one process by which, generation after generation, another wave of occultists systematically indoctrinate and psychologically devastate those children most resistant to the control systems that govern this planet.

With a full-knowledge of this programming tool, the reader is invited to speculate on various ways in which our culture invites survivors to re-enforce their spin programming unconsciously in everyday life.


Both of the authors of this piece were subjected to spinning as children during their ritual abuse. In the next section, we cover the topic of ‘Near Drowning’ as a trauma-based mind-control method.

Previously published sections:

Chapter 1
1.0 Our village is sick
1.1 What is Mind control?
1.2 Engineered Ignorance of the Occult
1.3 The History of Mind Control


If you are reading this sometime in the distant future, please be aware that this is a draft chapter section from the book Secret Doors, Hidden Rooms: Understanding and Deprogramming Trauma-Based Mind-Control systems which may now be available as a complete and finished book. It will contain much more detail and an updated text. Try searching for it online.


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@kida @kidb: this is a great undertaking and it is shaping up tremendously. I have the urge to resteem every post but I will space them out, for the meal, although wholesome and healing, contains elements that most will - for the reasons you state - find hard to digest.

Re "ways in which our culture invites survivors to re-enforce their spin programming unconsciously in everyday life": I have the image of repetition, circularity, reinforcement of the kind you get in MSM news cycles; statements from politicians; the layout of a school or working life with it's round of 'holidays' and 'chores' that seem to promise that it will be different/better next time but in fact is just more of the same....until eventually, resignation and cynicism cloud the everyday to the extent that the doors to these hidden rooms remain buried under thinly-masked despair and one is battered about by the swings of the 'survival' state and acutely susceptible to all sorts of triggers. The 'chaos' of thought is itself a process of going round and round and round...........

One (rarest of rare :) typo spotted: "anti-anti-nausea".