Let's begin by asking ourselves, can you love what you do not know? can you desire something you do not know? can you give what you do not have? The philosophers reply: No, you can only desire something if you know it in some way or other, and the same goes for the rest questions, you can only love what you know and also give what you have.
Knowing and wanting, having and loving, are so linked together that the act of the will-wanting-is somehow dependent on your mind. For it is mind that make all this possible (the act of wanting and loving). From this it is easy to see that the greater your knowledge the deeper your love. Or, in other words, the attitude of your will towards anything is dependent on the knowledge you have of that thing.
If the mind makes a mistake and presents as good something which is in fact is not good it puts the will in the position of having to make a wrong choice of going for something bad which it takes in its STRIDE because it presented to it as good. And the other way around, if the mind mistakenly regards something good a bad and shows it to the will in this light, the will can reject it because of the quality of non-good projected onto it. So it is important for our knowledge to be true, on this depends the correctness of every choice we make, and therefore the full use of our freedom.
The mind, then is a kind of governor in man's complex make-up. A man's conduct, the attitude he adopts towards God, the world, and other people, depends to a great extent on the ideas he has. And these ideas he usually learns, rather than invents especially his ideas about revelation, about God's message of salvation to men.
We are made in such a way that we can reach the truth only in a gradual way, this holds good for man in himself(his learning has to keep pace with his physical and mental development, a person intelligence is not the same at six as at thirty) and for the content of his knowledge (we cannot grasp complex things if we have not first grasp of elementary ideas).
That's why we have to do whatever we can and educated ourselves and our souls in everything we can so we can love each other and we can love earth and try and preserve everything we love