The Inner Voice - The Story

in #psychology6 years ago

inner voice.jpg

Check This Out:

Have you ever noticed how there is an inner narrative within yourself based on the mood you are in? Positive or negative self-talk based on your mood.

What do you do with your self-talk?

Do you then parrot it?

The following recording provides perspective that's worth hearing for real.

You are not your thoughts.
The reality of thinking is a made up delusion.

We've been so much so conditioned to think as the very basis of our existence here. It's actually a great delusion. It's the veil in front of our eyes. The very tell a vision programming that we re-act out as broadcasters ....broadcasting our bullshit.

The world is a mess at large...because we humans have become these massive bullshit broadcasters....where even the way we co-exist is about game theorizing a broadcast for a competive advantage...i mean it's quite fucked how extensive the evil of ourselves has been. It's a harsh realization for sure.

It's definitely worth questioning the positive and negative inner narratives that come up throughout your day. Why even bother with thinking? The thinking is the very ink that stains our lives. Careful.

  • I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for resisting to question the positive narratives that pop up within me seemingly out of nowehere.

  • I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not realize and understand the dynamics of mind in regards to the state of feeling/emotion I am within. I reallize positive self-talks associates with me in a positive energy and negative self-talk is associated with a negative energy.

  • I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not realize and understand the polarity way of thinking as mind and energy...where it's like a loop and a closed circuit of cycling between the positive and the negative. I realize that in order to create more positive really got to work on feeding yourself more bullshit. It's unnecessary. I realize this practice is justified in an attempt to make money...and make people feel better.

  • I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realizing and understanding the experience of "needing to feel better" as a point of self-abdication and self-victimization...where it's accepted that you press on yourself with your very thinking...and then it's like you need to be uplifted in your thinking...because your pushing yourself down. It's like having this relationship inside yourself like a fucking market cycle ponzischeme.....pump and dump.

  • I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realizing the casino nature of my mind and thinking as a pump and dump ponzi scheme where it's like I distracted and deluded into seeking the enlightentment of hope for a potential jackpot.

  • I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not realize and understand how hope is for the hopeless and that to exist here for real does not require one to simply go into's like why do's a distraction from actually just living's like so fucking hopeless to spend even a moment of thought in hope/desire.

  • I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realizing and understanding how common it is for people to encourage each other to, "just think positively" and have a "positive outlook"...I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to dismiss the the mechanics behind this common human narrative. I realize this is a default consequence play out of much bullshit in our thinking here.....where everybody is mostly so burdened within their's like a temporary relief like experience to delude yourself in the ectasy of positive thinking. It's like not real but a fabricated realilty in your head that you beleive to be real. I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to indulge in la la land as a point of preoccupation, obsession and possession.

  • I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to follow the crowd like a lemming off the cliff withou questioning the very rhetoric of the following's. I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to compromise my integrity and dignity out of fear of missing out and not fitting in with the group think mentality. I realize and understand to have dignity and integrity that there is no compromise in and as my princpled ways of living. I realize if my principles are not clear within myself...i am susceptible to have blunders in my life.


  • it's not to get caught up in the judgement of yourself as being like kind of fucked. No. I mean we are not supposed to be fucked at all. It's just we have a situation here where hardly anyone is talking any real shit....because there's so much television parroting going an information war of sorts...everone mostly at odds within's best to just chill in the recognition of ok....interesting....let me first observe the nature of my thinking for some days like a detective on an exploration.

  • From here - I challenge anyone and everyone to test out self-forgiveness for yourself...and apply it like your daily bread you give and gift yourself. The results are in fact quite substantial. Got it. Tag - you're it!

The Inner Voice - The Story

It is not about agreement or the individual, it is about the collective within the consideration of eternity and consequence. In this the individual will be forced to consider the collective and consequence will be according to what the individual accept as the collective. UNTIL the individual accept EQUALITY as the Principle for ALL within the Collective. The enforcement of Equality is by no other means, But through consequence, as the Nature of the Collective is EQUALITY while the nature of the Individual is Inequality. Thus understand, All Consequence, All Force are always emanating from the Individual WITHIN the Awareness as Collective. Inequality thus WILL END as will individual rights/choice/free will and will Merge as COLLECTIVE RIGHTS INDIVIDUALLY APPLIED -- thus Equality in practice.- Bernard Poolman


  • What I like about this social experiment, is the fact that it's success is directly dependent on ordinary people everywhere - where there's a willingness to say,

"Yes - I accept a weekly payment for being a human being to cover my basic costs of Existing Here."






I do my best to pay attention to my self talk and adjust it in my head... I want a cheerleader, not someone who brings me down.

Being self-reflective is a rare quality. Good for you developing it and sharing your thoughts about it with your readers.

All that you've mentioned in your article is the product of that self-reflection. You captured the negative and positive emotions which are a product of it like self-doubt, anxiety and the will to forgive yourself.


Thaaaank You for adding to the narrative here.

Cool to connect with you.

Anytime :)

You as well! Followed for more :)

I just want you to analyze this, the best remedy for sadness is to laugh and laugh, because sadness can not be cured with more sadness .....

Thank you for sharing - It is a really important and necessary reminder - the need for laughter to assist and support our best developments.

laughter is a cool cross reference on the effectiveness of our self-forgiveness.

Hugs :)

To listen to the audio version of this article click on the play image.

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Indeed, master ourselves.

I am totally agree with the concept of hope. It is something we have long since outgrown.All it does is place our happiness and contentment in some far off future. If we live in hope, that's where will continue to be in our daily lives, never gaining ground on our issues, never progressing, always hoping for something better tomorrow.

It's one of the great lies we are sold by our governments. We are always sold on hope; the notion that you suffer through this now, but don't worry, it gets better somewhere down the line, at some indeterminable point in the future...

We need to recognise what we have now in THIS moment, disregard what we are told we need to make us happy; accept and be grateful for all that we have. It is only then that we will know the fullest extent of what the present moment can offer us, in light of the abundance already here.

well said!

gratitude is indeed the greatest living attitude. It is the appreciation in the smallest of moments that really defines our lives and living.

Cool to connect with you - thanks and appreciation for your share here.


Thanks, I look forward to reading more 😀