Facing challenges

in #psychology7 years ago (edited)

Fear is the number one thing that stops most of us from facing a challenge. We like to avoid pain, its a human weakness of ours and makes us avoid it. Whether is physical pain or emotional pain.

Getting through it:
Imagine the pain you will feel as you face that Challenge.

Forget the situation and focus on the pain itself. It's not the pain that you want, it's what you have to face to get to what you desire.

(Ex: A confrontation, a project, a speech)

The more intense the pain, the more motivation you will get to do what you need to do.

  1. Just get it over with.
  2. Pain is pain.
  3. The Fear will disintegrate and you move right through it.

Think of it as a toddler learning to walk, the first time they start...they fall down. Over and over again they get back up and try again; the toddler feels that pain of falling and cries but they keep getting up over and over until finally they start walking. At first it might not be stable but over time, they improve.

If you really desire it, you will get through it in the end. If not then you might lose your motivation. The more you move towards your challenge/goal, the more you've mastered it.

Comfort Zone (Where you feel most comfort) ----> Pain (What you fear) ----> Possibilities (Your Goals)

Turn that pain into power and keep moving forward.



This is huge!

I completely agree of course. I do a lot of training that scares me... and I find my fear holds me back all the time, even with things I know I can logically do. I really want to spend more time doing things that scare me just so I can be so much better at doing things that scare me.

I know what you mean. Its the fear that holds us back for sure but the more you face it, the more you'll get use to it. You can do it!