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RE: We Are More Similar Than Different

in #psychology7 years ago

Somehow I found my way to this post when I think I needed it. I've been very open to the ways and experiences of others, but often end up disapointed because so many people have a hard time dealing with truth, hard realities and choose to exist in a paradigm that is not based on anything more than false hope and fantasy. Facing our fears is the hardest thing we can do in life and too many people are choosing not to. Thank you for the reminder, I'm just feeling really down on more and more of my friends lately, not for trying to understand, but feeling like I understand them more than they understand themselves.


I'm really sorry that you are having to face this struggle. Thank you for sharing vulnerably.

feeling like I understand them more than they understand themselves.

That's a hard place to be. It is hard to hold open the space for friends to not be as far along on this journey as we are or as far as we think they should be. While we are supposed to reveal things for each other, that hopefully happens in both directions. I wrote about that here if you're interested: You Need Your Tribe to Expand Your Perspective.

Cheers to you!

Thank you. Revelations DO need to happen from both directions for everyone to continue to grow. It's allowing it to happen where we can get stuck.