Everyone knows that the fear of failure is real, but how about the fear of success?

Self-sabotage can rear it's ugly head and sometimes you aren't even aware it happened. How is this possible?

Have you ever set a goal, eagerly started on it, made progress, and then stopped for no good reason? Well, it is possible that you started thinking that you may actually get what you want, which would challenge old beliefs about yourself (signaling change), fear set in and you self-sabotaged.

This can happen when you start working out. You see the results, feel strong and determined, begin changing your body shape, but then just stop. It can happen when you begin eating differently. Your energy is increasing, weight is dropping, muscle tone is showing, and then one bad day or week details all of your efforts. Many people will try and blame will power, not enough time, boredom, etc. 

However, what if it is that deep down you believe you are supposed to be over weight, that you are lazy, incapable, not worthy, can't eat "like that". And if you do believe one of those things, you are wrong. You are none of those things. Where you are right now in terms of health and fitness is just a product of your past thoughts. You can change that starting right this minute.

Set your goals, get after them. And when you hear that little voice tell you that you can't or shouldn't get what you want, remind yourself that you can have, be or do anything. Don't let fear keep you from moving forward and reaching your health or life goals.


Like my Dad always said, when I told him I cant do this, or cant do that; there is no such word as cant.
Erase that easy get out from your mind, every time you say 'I cant', stop and ask if you really can, if the answer us yes, consider if its because you dont want to?

Thank you for sharing this material, I like what you posted. Thank you so much