The Rise of Psychopaths in the Workplace.....

in #psychology7 years ago (edited)

Source: Pixabay

The workplace is created to conduct business and exchange between corporations for mutual gain. In the contemporary industrial-tech world, corporations are idealized as sacred places for personal development, success, with cultural proposals vying for the best 'talent' promising the best benefits, training and prestige. In the idealized world this is what is believed to be offered by large corporations:

  1. motivation
  2. learning
  3. productivity
  4. growth
  5. flourishing development (breadth and depth)
  6. shared experience
  7. understanding
  8. camaraderie
  9. social development/engagement
  10. career advancement (technically)

But in the real world corporations offer enclaves for :

  1. despondency
  2. misunderstandings
  3. gossip/rumors
  4. oneupmanship
  5. isolation/ostracizing
  6. cliques
  7. game playing
  8. blame
  9. discordant relationships
  10. covert bullying, discrimination, shaming and harassment

You would expect in this day and age and with the myriad of employment regulations this would not be the case but as you will see in this article the workplace breeds and rewards this behavior. The series, 'The Office' satirically provides insight into some of this narcissistic world view.

Research shows when groups come together they begin to form associations and strengthen relationships based on shared beliefs and experiences. When you bring people together in a social context with similar experiences and beliefs there is a strengthening of such beliefs - now there are numbers. There is a cohesion of sorts and it is almost hypnotizing. Indeed, the idea of a bromance (I am using this for both male and female friendships) is in part the sense that one has found their counterpart, they feel an affiliation that is the yearning and longing of each human. We are social beings after all. This forms the internal unsaid clubs that allow only those who fit the accepted "rules". Therefore success is based on bromance rather than actual ability, talent and technical skills. You are either in or you are out. Group think is rife and is often not based on actual evidence rather it is based on perception and club associations. These subjective perceptions and feelings are taken as real evidence rather than the contextual facts. These clubs have their unpronounced leaders who run the show manipulating and using others whilst ensuring they are in the limelight. They play a 'game' of catch me if you can, thinking they can bend the rules as they don't apply to them. Doing just enough to get by and making sure someone else is the scapegoat for their misgivings and allowing them to take the fall for their misgivings. However, when no longer needed individuals are ostracized or dropped in the cold.

Why does this happen? How did humanity become so in love with themselves and money at the expense of each other and the planet. One could say that society has become rather narcissistic and this means that it is the competitive, capitalist view of the best person wins. However, dirty tactics do not coincide with a fair game and thus it becomes the haven for those who can play the dirtiest and can manipulate the most that flourish.

In the corporate world psychopathic traits are rewarded indeed they are even traits that are seeked in candidates as they are seen as successful. Traits such as charisma, self-confidence, glib, grandiose (this can be masked), need for stimulation, pathological lying, cunning and manipulativeness, lack of remorse or guilt, shallow affect (this relates to superficial emotional responsiveness), lack of realistic long-term goals, impulsivity irresponsibility and a lack of conscience..... ....someone who ticks all the boxes through manipulation and political games. There is a paucity of research on corporate psychopaths with the exception of Robert Hare who is a very well known researcher developing a scale that assesses psychopathic traits. What Hare found psychopaths were more attracted to fast-paced, high-risk, high-profit environments and with the need for high-level personnel that are 'game changers' in the competitive environment of today - this is the perfect breeding ground for psychopathic behavior.

So how do you really know you are dealing with a psychopath or a narcissist? It is not often easy or clear cut as people often have some of these trait-like behaviors but it does not mean they are full blown psychopaths. What one looks for are trends and patterns. If there are trends and patterns of this type of behavior then you may be dealing with a psychopath:

Emotional Manipulation

Often psychopaths will use extenuating circumstances to lay the ground for sympathy and focus the light on another's behavior at the expense of someone else. They may also use gas lighting techniques making someone feel inadequate, shaming them through criticism and making them believe they are worthless and are in sane (making things up).
Also attacking someone out of the blue using the shock and awe tactic

Control Freak

If you are feeling micromanaged then you probably are! Changes in personnel, keep changing the parameters for work requirements, moving people around so that no one is able to gauge whether they are coming or going, the promise of favors in return for ratting out colleagues are just some of the examples used by psychopaths in the workplace.

Glib Charmers

They are masters at saying the right thing at the right time and puffing up someone else's ego when they want something from you. Usually this is what happens at the start of the relationship and they slowly erode the individuals self confidence and they start doubting their own ability and self worth (gas lighting is part of this).


Psychopaths are parasites. They often use the unsung rule of reciprocity - they will offer something to you just enough to get you hooked to offer your idea which could benefit them and they take it as theirs and they take credit for it. In the mean time you are no longer on their radar.


They are professional liars. They have a tendency to misrepresent facts and create misunderstandings. The lies often contain just enough truth to get away with it.


They pretend to be concerned about the welfare of others, being warm and considerate but this is only for their own self-interest. This is coupled with an arrogant, grandiose, egocentric approach to relationships. They can fire a person with no reason most especially if that person is more skilled than the psychopath and has the potential to take their limelight.

Lack Responsibility

Psychopathic bosses will expend another individual for their personal gain and have no remorse or guilt about their actions. They will even manufacture evidence against that person to blame them and make them look guilty to avoid the blame themselves.

Extreme Displays of Emotion

A true psychopath is disconnected from their emotional brain thus cannot feel many of the innate emotions that humans experience. However, they are great actors and are prone to extreme displays of emotion that overwhelm those around them into believing this is how they feel. After which they quickly return to a state of normality. If you are surrounded by this know that this is potential psychopathic trait.

Taking Risks

Psychopaths love to take risks. Their grandiose idea of themselves coupled with the lack of emotional aptitude means they believe they can get away with anything, thus there are no risks in their worldview. Things to look for are risky investments, inappropriate behavior and risqué comments. "The Wolf of Wall Street" is another wonderful portrayal of a corporate psychopath with a hedonistic, hypnotized following.

I do feel that corporations have a duty of care to their employees and that these patterns of behavior should be weeded out so that the relationship between corporations and their employees becomes a more wholesome place for mutual gain and development. There are few corporations who take this into account let alone protect their employees.

Next time you are faced with someone portraying a trend or pattern in the workplace as above ask yourself if you are dealing with a corporate psychopath!



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Thanks! NICE!

I worked in an corporate environment and in my opinion i was like an slave for them means we were literally chewing water and drinking food, lack of sleep and lack of physical activities and fights between colleagues and lack of understanding, and also i think that corporate world can push us towards addiction, and as per my observation i can give an example of Smoking, and many people in corporates tend to smoke to release frustration and in my opinion smoke never releases stress in turn in my opinion smoke leads towards the illusion phase for some time. Thanks for sharing and wishing you an great day. Stay blessed. 🙂

Yes this is indeed the case. It amazes me how humans can treat each other (and animals) and sleep and live with themselves. Yes it is part of the trauma aspect to find coping mechanisms and thus addition is one of them. Many people are placed in victimhood as they feel trapped due to financial and other circumstances. I believe a more conscious and ethical way is possible and is a win win situation for everyone. It is more sustainable this way but when we have distorted world views of narcissists and/or psychopaths that cannot be so.

Absolutely right.

This is brilliant. There is a TED talks out there somewhere on the topic of Ethical Corprorations. Also check out Chris Rufer's take on leadership. Good stuff!

Thanks! I can attest I have been bullied and shamed by a narcissist it was not a corporate environment but it was a small business. It was terrible. I wrote this to bring awareness and to bring this discussion out in the open. It's not spoken about it enough.

I will watch the video you sent - thanks!

I feel like I am too old to just now see how deeply this cuts! The more you know I guess. Did you check out Chris Rufer? He is a behavioral organization genius.

This is blissful!