Thinking is allowed!
Warning! All characters, events and technology in this story are purely fictional. Any resemblance to actual persons, events and technology is purely coincidental and the product of your construal.
Under the stress of overwhelming emotions, Dr. Volvap remained in utter slumber against all stimulus around his chair. He could observe his mental condition ruled by the primary thoughts chained to his unresolved desires; that he couldn’t change, hence rather stop the experiment. Overall, he was not supposed to experiment on himself alone in the laboratory.
He waited a couple of hours to turn back under control of his rational mind while collecting the measurement results. The discomfort of supposedly innate desires were detected in every step of his procedure. The prefrontal cortex sensor feedbacks indicated similar patterns. He summarised the long lasting report of his experiments.”Brain reacts on alarming mental conditions, supposedly demonstrating the stimulus control. The discriminative stimuli collected in one’s lifespan provide necessary information to reinforce the conditioned behaviour.”
His vision combined a large scale experiment with different schedules and paradigms of reinforcement. What if there was a solution against all rules of life for self realization. Would it be safe to experiment on large scale of humans?
The rule of the game says we have choices. What about the experiments that show the conditioned stimulus elicits after matching with an unconditioned stimulus repetitively. This way, our responses are not completely wired by our self-determination.

What holds the future? Reflecting the future would be essentially random in the mind of individuals where thinking is allowed.
Is this referring to our conditioned consumer society?
Yes, though partly because consumption is a part of conditioning in the society (as purchaser behaviour is developed as a means to the ends of producers, not the other way around). Other conditioning may arise from upbringing, cultural norms and self-actualization needs etc.