
I didn't even know selling witness votes was a thing. I feel like this is not the first excessively greedy thing fyrstikken has done on steemit.

You mean like how he was also accused of stealing a LOT of steem from @adsactly?

My most memorable experience about Fyrst:

When I first presented steemflagrewards on SteemSpeak, I was berated by him and company, called a flagget by him and extortionist by his lackeys. It was probably the most fucked up experience I had ever had on Discord.

But me, being the dogged fucker I am did not quit. It just put fuel to the fire. He has never apologized to me and I know he knows he was wrong even if he is too proud to admit it.

Said SFR it would never be a thing and here we are making shit happen with support from top witnesses like you. We flag abuse all the livelong day for the betterment of this platform.

I know a lot of us are curious about the context of what led to this but understand if you don't want to get into it.

Hi, sorry to butt in. Would you and your boys at SFR have a quick look at my last post regarding abuse to see if there is anything you want to, or can do please? Bernard too if you're not busy. Thank-you.
@anthonyadavisii @iamstan @berniesanders .Sorry again, I will try and get my head around Discord!

I will be glad to have you on our server. I had hoped you would join us. We are very concerned about this and battle these accounts daily. It is of a great concern to the entire community that cares about steemit.

You have the most interesting memory of your victimhood that night. I was there. I trolled you. Do you remember the role you played? How many times did you come back and make nice? Shees, maybe you need to join a support group.. Does the PTSD keep you up at night? What about the several times you came back in an visited, laughed at yourself for coming in a total noob into a room of people who were having a different conversation, we didn't know you from Adam and insisted over and over again that we should listen and financially support your project.

(Yeah, I always delegate to people I've never heard of)

When I said I do my own flagging and didn't require your services that made you super mad. Instructor said, he didn't care about flagging... Now, you just couldn't believe we didn't all just fall on our knees in support of your project. At one point you DEMANDED I teach you how to use discord, so that you could pitch your idea to a room full of people who didn't want to hear it at that moment.

When I could tell you were getting upset I DM'd you offered to help you with Discord and I suggested you come back when the room wasn't already engaged in another conversation and I even said I would help you line it up.

Nope, you needed the floor and you needed us to listen and agree with your idea right then and there. It was hysterical and I personally teased and trolled you about it and I am still not sorry. As I clearly stated on your sad, sad post about the conversation. lol.

The thing is.. I thought we had sorted that all out over the next couple of weeks. Now you are telling your victim story again?


I legit didn't know how to get on voice and didn't expect that to be demanded of me so you really can't fault me for asking for help. Patience is a virtue and a lack there of was exhibited. Golden rule applies.

Sure, you can fault for being a noob or not socially cognizant of the situation or whatever but bottom line, is you and the others that tore into me lacked basic civility and were incredibly rude to a newcomer whose heart was in the right place irrespective of you all being quick to judge.

Do you see me making money off of SFR? Nope. I do what I do because I care about the problem. You had formerly misunderstood us as being merely a flagging club but that isn't it. Do you even understand what we do at this point?

I will apologize as I did not realize I was interrupting the discussion you were having but it absolutely does not excuse the lack of maturity and disproportionate response.

I can't fathom why you continue to try and justify it. You at least admit to trolling me so guess that is some sort of consolation.

And for the record, I think you have shown on a few occasions that you are decent but that is more than I can say for a few other characters that I have encountered on Steem speak. Your response in this instance, being fraught with untruth as it is is making me reconsider that proposition. I'm going to attribute this to possibly a memory issue on your part and not intentional misrepresentation.

And the way you are characterizing how I presented the idea is just not true. I didn't demand shit and you know it. I pitched an idea and I got ripped apart. That was it.

As far as Instructor, I don't recollect him being part of that. I remember a few others but don't want to bring them up as a couple have seemed to change their disposition towards me for which I am thankful. I am all for burying the hatchet but that is difficult when one party thinks there is nothing worth repenting of which appears to be your position.

Last thing, we had interacted a couple times prior to that incident, one discussion about self voting and you tried to help me with Discord before. Maybe you didn't remember me at the time. Idk.

Yes, I had stopped in as sometimes y'all are alright. Have helped flag abuse and shit like that. I have even befriended at least one of he individuals that treated me poorly but, as you can plainly tell, I have not forgotten.

haha! My memory is wrong. Got it. :) Water under the bridge for me.
I bet I could find the transcripts if I cared.

Anyway, carry on Anthony, repeat your "They were mean to me story" every chance you get. My point of you being a noob is... Do you have ANY idea how many new users come in a day, begging for support? If we stopped every conversation to train them on discord and patiently listen to their ideas, there wouldn't be enough hours in a day.

I find your take on the situation hysterical to this day.

haha! My memory is wrong. Got it. :) Water under the bridge for me.
I bet I could find the transcripts if I cared.

I did take some screencaps but there were likely gaps when I was kicked. I agree that it's water under the bridge now and not worth any more energy. Rather, I ought to focus on doing what I do to make this blockchain a better place, for you, for me, and our friends.

I believe that, even though we have different perspectives that we can agree that spam, abuse and exploitation is not good for any of us and that it needs to be dealt with. You prefer lone wolf flagging while I am in favor of collective efforts and teamwork. I believe the collective approach is far superior to lone wolfing it.

Ultimately, I hope we all are able to address the "bleed" on this blockchain. We may have a ton of innovations coming but it is my belief that we need to get down to the basic and address the fundamental issue of incentives being realigned to effectively support activities that build the blockchain rather than those that chip away at it's credibility through incentivized abuse.

I think achieving that will give people more confidence to invest and that would serve us both whether you believe it or not. Presently, I don't think we have the SP to decisively deal with it and I am not about to invest while parasites are eating the host. It's like feeding a tapeworm or some shit.

Would delegations help? Of course as we can encourage more users to flag and flag they do! Check this out.

Am I begging for them? Hell no. Do I think what we do provides utility to the blockchain? Bet your ass I do.

Excellent work! I am for people flagging!

Looking back I see that he was calling Treyvon evil and stuff. It was a strange conversation. Instructor just loved you.

instructor - 07/19/2018
you have these noob ankle biters like @anthonyadavisii ...who have been on steem for 1.5 years and still have little SP..why? because he spends all his time playing detective instead of being productive     

Good idea, additionally one should un-vote all witnesses which are paying to booster for the witness vote.

We really should be able to flag witnesses.

We are not sure there is enough SP available to disturb their game, but at least it would feel good.

Been saying this also since JB was in the top 20.

I actually asked Bernie once if he would support downvoting witnesses, he's down... if other big SP holders demand it, I don't see why it's impossible. Maybe I'm being naive.

And logically, the big stake holders wouldn't want to troll Witness downvotes because they would be screwing with their investments.

Bad actors on the other hand...

Well, such flags could be used by Stinc and other large players to help enforce consensus among the top-20 witnesses, should the need suddenly arise. There is that. Other abuses are also possible.

But still.

Good point, that is a possibility, but I'm convinced that they would know better. Not just because of some altruistic idea, or anything romantic like that.

But because if they were to show themselves as tyrants (which I don't believe them to be) people would effectively exodus.

No one would leave. No one ever leaves Steemit.

No matter how shitty things get, it’s still free money.

"...Welcome to the hotel, California.."

Hah, you got it.

I'm sure you've read the crabs in the bucket metaphor... pretty ugly mind you, but interesting nonetheless (it's in the white paper)

Heh. I liked reading that for some reason. It claims it was the solution to address the problem of the multi-party prisoner's dilemma concerning countering self-votes / growth-inhibiting behavior. Guess we're not crabby enough.

hahahhaha I don't know if you meant that as a joke, but it came out comical.

Would be a good idea.

Wow...seems I am missing something...
What happened Bernie?

The moron is starting to sell witness votes. It’s pathetic.

I really don’t want to believe that we’ve reached to that point. Witnesses are supposed to be the base of the platform, those that make sure everything goes well and as planned. Maybe this is a romantic approach from my side...

Ive never even considered voting Fyrst. Hes just too loud for my taste. To each his own i guess.
But i think, if its true that hes selling witness votes, that he assumed:"if its ok to sell regular votes, why would it be wrong to sell a witness vote?".
He does strike me as:"money on my mind type of guy".

He has a bit of an anger problem. Not witness material in my book.


Edit : I forgot to say good morning. Good Morning.

You have my vote Bernie. I have never considered voting for that guy?

Hey btw how do you think such a low witness like Terry Ajayi @steemgigs can have a full node and many other higher witnesses with bot and many projects have only bought VPS witness nodes?

A full node is not a dedicated server, it is a RPC node that typically runs on around 512GB of ram. With the size of the blockchain and the memory requirements, most witnesses use dedicated servers now and not VPS but that's not a "full node". A full node will run around $700+ a month plus labor.

Wow. So wait, a full node requires 512 GiGabytes of RAM?!? I'm no computer whiz (yet), but isn't that a shit-ton?? Like my macbook has 4 (which I just realized is really shitty--not to mention, it's a mac, which is pretty crappy for crypto anyway...). And what exactly do you mean by a full node is $700 plus labor "to run--" is this... in equipment costs? electricity?

yes, it is a shit ton and it is growing.

You can spend $700/month and it doesn't magically poof a full node in existence, there is a lot of work maintaining and setting it up, most of which is poorly documented with a limited amount of people who know anything to help you.

Damn... pretty bleak, eh? Although I guess "where there's a will, there's a. way..." I just don't have the will.

Then again, who knows... I do have a lot of "free time" it seems... Just feels like there's so freakin much going on, I can never learn enough, and because there's so much, I'm pulled in a million directions. lol . if/when I come into the "funds," I definitely plan to further my cryptocurrent-technological involvement; whether by mining, running a node of some variation, etc. Are you familiar with a project entitled Holochain, by chance?

We'll always vote for witnesses who will do good and give us the best on Steemit.
If @nextgencrypto is best for us...he's voted then.

Yep! Just voted @nextgencrypto

Posted using Partiko Android

I would never ever vote for a person who just put some rice on the table.
I'm going to vote for @nextgencrpt

omg.... this has made my morning... hahahhahahhahhahahaha