I'm Possible!!!

in #public-speaking7 years ago (edited)

image"Nothing is impossible" This means that anything is possible. However, just because something is possible doesn't mean that it is easy, or that it should be done at all. If you use this statement, you are probably referring to something which is very difficult to accomplish. image
Nothing is impossible is something that almost all of us have uttered at one point or another even when things are so difficult, it can seem as though success is too far or out of reach. However, Nothing is impossible!!!
There was a time when it was thought that no one would ever travel to the moon and it happened. There was a time when people wondered if an African-American would ever be President of the United States and it also happened. So many things that people thought were impossible in their everyday life ended up being quite the opposite.
We have to believe in ourselves. We have to believe that we have the strength to overcome our obstacles and lift the burden of anxiety and doubt. When we say to ourselves “That’s impossible,” we have to change it to, “I’m possible!”

The saying goes that if we set our mind to it, we can accomplish anything. That’s true. If we take the time to give our goals the effort that they deserve, they will stand a chance of becoming real. We are the ones who determine how successful we are! So believe in yourself and believe that its possible!


We are the ones to define our success!
Impossible does not exists to me!
Nice piece dear!