"Public Health" Totalitarianism

in #publichealth3 years ago


As long as human bodies are somehow involved in something, anything, one could unscrupulously argue that raises a “public health” issue. Unfortunately, we happen to live in a time of a global crisis in the supply chain of scruples, while myth-making experiences massive inflation, and democracy suffers from its worst recession since WWII. “Public health” is becoming, at least for some, the feel-good varnish for an attempt to secure a new totalitarianism.

If the concept of “public health” was meant to be interpreted so broadly as above, then it would become a useless concept: public health is everything, so it is in fact nothing. Nothing sits outside the boundaties of public health, thus we cannot know what constitute the contents of public health. I very much doubt that the concept, “public health,” was originally intended to be used as an amoeba term. Now “public health” is becoming something else, or something that stands for something else, thus “public health” becomes metaphor, simile, analogy, sophistry....

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