What is Your "Why" in Life?

in #purpose9 days ago

Monday Reflection

A Turkish proverb says - A tree without roots is like a person without hope.

When the wind blows, the grass bends, but it does not break (Asian Proverb).

We all experience emotional bottoms at some time in our lives. some might experience more emotional bottoms than others. Growth, however, is not one sided. It does conclude that there is only one path in this life. In fact, the adage of a cat can be skinned in more than one way is true. We have our own paths to take, and in this journey called life, there are a multitude of possibilities, a multitude of paths.

Viktor Frankl, an Austrian neurologist, psychiatrist, philosopher, and Holocaust survivor, spoke about choosing an attitude when faced with adversity and finding our 'why' in life. When we have a sense of purpose, a sense of hope, a sense of meaning, we live much more productive lives.

When I found my 'why', I quit questioning my purpose, my direction, my future, and my present. I quit questioning what steps to take. I quit questioning the past. In fact, I became grateful for my past.

When I start questioning my abilities, my knowledge, my understanding, my skills, my goals, I remind myself of my 'why' and 'purpose' to help ground me back in the moment. I remind myself that part of my goal in life is to be of maximum service to those around me.

Goal: When you have those moments in life, remind yourself of your why and your purpose.

Peace and love to all

~ KO

