Pylon Network: Events for June
May is almost gone and it has been a full and intensive month. So, nothing new there! However, June is around the corner and Pylon Network is on the road again, participating in some really exciting events. Have a look!
May was a month of hard work, cooperation and planning for Pylon Network and the team was focused on the project development and completion of tasks and milestones – towards the project development and its implementation within the real electricity market. With some of the work being shown already and other parts of it which will show in the coming months, it has been a hard-working and rewarding month.
June however, is full of events, and the team of Pylon Network is once again ready to face them one by one!
It will be a month full of action: we are going back into preacher-mode, spreading the word about the vision of Pylon Network and how we are pursuing it in high-stakes events, while expanding our network, insights and exploring future opportunities; and we will be expanding our reach, too – but this time to the east: presenting Pylon Network in S. Korea – among others places.
To know more, scroll below and find out what June has in place for Pylon Network.
Place: Brussels, Belgium. Date: 29 May 2018
ENTSO-E members share the objective of setting up the internal energy market and ensuring its optimal functioning, and of supporting the ambitious European energy and climate agenda. One of the important issues on today’s agenda is the integration of a high degree of Renewables in Europe’s energy system, the development of consecutive flexibility, and a much more customer centric approach than in the past.
ENTSO-E is committed to develop the most suitable responses to the challenge of a changing power system while maintaining security of supply. Innovation, a market based approach, customer focus, stakeholder focus, security of supply, flexibility, and regional cooperation are key to ENTSO-E’s agenda.
This workshop will focus on how the scenario assumptions were developed and the ENTSOs initial views on the five scenario storylines. It will also collect stakeholders’ views on the scenarios and the storylines presented and participants will be asked to suggest possible improvements for current and future Ten-Year Network Development Plans – TYNDPs.
Pylon Network will be presented during at the beginning of the day among and will be followed by presentations of ENTSO-E storylines for TYNDP and discussions among groups of the participants. There will be a broad spectrum of stakeholders from Member states, Regulators, the European Commission & NGOs.
We expect to receive high interest and It will be a great opportunity for presenting the vision of Pylon Network but also the actual implementation developments of the demonstration stage, at a high-stakes energy stakeholders event on a European level.
Presentation to ENGIE Global Team Representatives
Place: Madrid, Spain. Date: 8 June 2018.
We are invited by ENGIE to present our project in front of ENGIEs Global Team representatives from a range of departments.
The presentation about Pylon Network, as long as the Q&A session which will follow, is going to focus on implementation strategy that we are following and the business model possibilities that will arise from it (with a focus to utilities and their role on the future energy system).
Social Enterprise Leaders Forum (SELF). Organized by S. Korea Social Enterprise Promotion Agency
Place: Seoul, S. Korea Date: 15-16 June 2018.
Social Enterprise Leaders Forum 2018
Hosted by Ministry of Employment and labor (MOEL)
Participants: international & national professionals,(preliminary) social entrepreneurs and anyone interested(400 strong)
The main objective of KoSEA is to foster and promote social enterprises effectively.
Its unique duties include:
– Foster social entrepreneurs, find out models of social enterprises and support commercialization.
– Monitor and evaluate social enterprises.
– Establish and support the operation of social enterprise networks created in each industry, locality and in the national level.
– Establish homepages and an integrated information system for social enterprises.
– Provide consulting service for the improvement in business administration, technology, taxation, labor, accounting, etc.
– International cooperation and exchanges in relation to social enterprises.
At the same time, KoSEA creates a social environment for public discussion on the values and roles of cooperatives while informing and consulting citizens regarding the process of establishing and building institutional infrastructures.
Regarding cooperatives, KoSEA offer a range of consultation services:
– Strengthen the abilities of cooperatives by running a customized educational course for each target and level.
– Provides high-quality promotion contents using various media.
– Carries out diverse regional weekly events and celebration for declaring the vision of cooperatives
As people in Korea are highly interested in social economy, the Social Economy Leaders Forum has drawn attention of many Koreans and they are showing great expectations about the speakers. Pylon Network will be presented during the plenary session 1, titled: “The social economy’s business strategy for inclusive growth – priority business area”.
The session will be transmitted live by the organizers and more info will be provided while we approach the dates of the event.
Transactive Energy & Blockchain. Organized by Engerati
Place: Vienna, Austria Date: 18-19 June 2018
Pylon Network will attend the event as a speaker, the schedule of the performance will be announced soon. We will keep you informed.
The theme and objectives of the Transactive Energy & Blockchain event are listed below:
- Moving towards a transactive energy future.
The one-way, centrally controlled grid is being disrupted by accessible and ubiquitous smart grid technology. The traditional command and control business model is being reshaped with blockchain, AI, sensors and real-time analytics, enabling an agile grid with highly distributed energy assets and highly distributed intelligence.
This is ultimately the goal of transactive energy; moving us towards an internet and smart-grid enabled free market where all actors can participate as prosumers and make purchasing decisions in real time. This is an ambitious vision. Building the infrastructure and roadmap necessary to support a transactive energy marketplace represents not only a complex technology and technical challenge but a complicated process and people challenge that should not be underestimated.
What is the role of the grid in the transactive energy future and how can forward facing stakeholders benefit? This Meet explores the following impact areas:
- Peer to Peer platforms
The rise of peer-to-peer platform will not only enable automated real time trading at the edge but also give real benefit to the power grid by shifting load management and balancing to the edge of the network.
Another significant impact is that these platforms enable the engagement of the social economy in the energy sector for the first time. We have all seen the impact of this with companies like Airbnb and Uber and it could prove as disruptive for the energy sector.
The Meet invites tech-talks looking at blockchain as an enabler of the active energy consumer.
- Business model disruption
Business models are not only driven by innovation but also the regulation in the market.
We examine the current regulatory landscape but also look at the models disrupting this and potentially existing outside regulatory frameworks.
As part of this Engerati Meet, you will be working with peers to look at future business models embracing the transactive energy vision.
- Blockchain vs algorithmic alternatives
Blockchain is grabbing all the headlines but comes with inherent issues around speed and security, particularly when more than 50% of the ledger is controlled by a single entity.
Algorithmic alternatives may offer greater speed; an imperative issue with the real-time necessity of electrical networks
At this Engerati Meet you will delve into the technology enablers behind the transactive energy future. General Assembly
Place: Milan, Italy. Date: 21-22 June 2018
REScoop is short for Renewable Energy Source co-operative, and refers to a business model where citizens jointly own and participate in renewable energy or energy efficiency projects. We also refer to REScoops as community power or community energy initiatives.
Our demonstration partners, GoiEner is an innovative REScoop from the Basque region of Spain and are part of a growing network of 1,250 European energy cooperatives and their 1.000.000 EU citizens who are active in the energy transition.
From 21 to 23 June, the 5th General Assembly of will take place in Milan (Italy). The General Assembly will coincide with a REScoop Plus national workshop, a consortium meeting for REScoop Plus & REScoop MECISE and a National Conference on Renewable Energy Communities.
Pylon Network will be participating in the event as a panellist on Workshop 3, taking place on 22nd June an as a guest in the rest of the anticipated talks and workshops that will be taking place during the 3 days of the event. See the detailed agenda here.
PYLON NETWORK. The revolution will not be centralized.
#Peace #Love and #Renewables
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