CBTS General #276: Pray To Channel Good Energy Into Posts AKA DEFANGO Edition

in #qanon7 years ago

CBTS General #276: Pray To Channel Good Energy Into Posts Edition

Defango Means Divine Energy Flowing Absolutely Never Going out.

It seems that the entire Qanon community is in a uproar after I decided to come out for the 3rd time telling everyone the truth about the Qanon situation. I mean I like talk about a lot and I have made videos pointing the shit out. Who knows why anyone of these people ignored my words. I guess they don't watch my videos because they don't think I know things, or am important. Well Jokes on you mother suckers, I gotcha again. I mean really I told the world and even gave out timelines of how things would be going. Yet It seems that TracyBeanz, Lift The Veil, Titus Frost and a host of other youtube personalities just seemed to miss the boat. What a wonderous thing one man can do right? Make a plan, share the idea with a whistleblower, and see what they do with it.

Oh boy, I got to get so much good information about all the people around me. I was really focused on the youtubers and how they would take this information and spread it. I mean I was like one of the first people doing video about Q for good reason yet, so many of these "Investigators" didn't even take a second to talk to me about it. Hell I made a video for TracyBeanz and she completely ignored it. I mean she totally had those cucks the Baker's on, but the chick can't take a second to talk to the Manuel of the internet. It's like kinda rude for sure, but I can't hold it against them. So we just put out the information and share it. Then we stop making videos about it and just watch how it grows organically. So many channels with so many opinions and not a single one of them wanted to give your boy swellington the time of day. Don't worry I'm totally used that this so I don't mind. I mean we made a super awesome video completely connecting Qanon to Cicada 3301 and as well all know, nobody picked it up. I really just wonder why.

Qanon Deep Dive | Follow the White Rabbit | Cicada 3301 Q and Plato

For the Goods on the situation, I spoke with one of my 3301 contacts and asked him about Q because I recognized some questions as my own. I also pretty much figured it was close to what they were talking about. I was told that there would be leaks coming from an insider and that we where to help keep them safe online. I was kinda like this was a terrible way of doing it but nothing I can do about it now. I wondered why they didn't take the twitter idea, but I guess it's because they were worried it would have been censored before it made any headway like all the times before. I'm just a jackass with a youtube channel that doesn't really know shit so I just kinda went with it an was like this is cool. I really didn't even get any information as to who Q was until about 2 weeks ago. I was pretty shocked when they gave me the name and email, but I was like WTF why not this guy fits the bill, right on down to the extra posts. He was having a good time and it got almost a mind of it's own. He was suppose to stop, but kept it up and most of the defenders to steps back. I think that's probably around the time the Bakers talked to "Q" and started the whole move to 8ch.net and all the other Tripcode Bullshit. I Even made a video about that.

Qanon Community Divided 4chan /pol vs 8ch.net DISINFO Overload?

See what I'm saying I was up front about this stuff. Oh well, I decided to tell everyone again since I guess nobody was listening during the Hoax Wars Christmas Show that ended up being a massive pile of dogshit. I was really bad, like totally mega bad. So we did that and now here we are. All of our favorite Shill like LTV, TitusFrost, DavidSeaman going to be having a field day with this one. Not to mention all of those MF's over at the chans. I'm already getting pastebin contracts out on me.

contacts? Titus Frost

Looks like they are moving again to a new board because they got booted again

The Bakers are in Fullmeltdown



Mother fucker is saying that the PROFF is Q!!!!????

His response at the bottom…. >>>I knew you would improvise. Their heads are spinning"

He means us.

This implies that the Proff made the Qdrops.


What is this McGowen a Proff of????

He's a professor of mathematics at Cambridge Mass.

Pic is Him




Direct links offsite to current graphic compilation of Q's posts (12-26-17)

1: s20.postimg.org/q4v4p0wr1/12.26.2017_1of3.jpg

2: s20.postimg.org/4ig482qhp/12.26.2017_2of3.jpg

3: s20.postimg.org/488loswgt/12.26.2017_3of3.jpg

Graphic Comps of Q posts: postimg.org/gallery/29wdmgyze

NOTE: All included graphic compilations are based on the one that Q posted on 11-10-17 the day he first used a tripcode on 4/pol/


This gallery is being kept due to the fact that 8ch archive function does not actually archive the images.

Q said that the graphic is "critical" so this is a way to maintain the integrity of his posts in a visual format.


Old Stuff


As someone who has no opinion of all this, but still loves any time people are questioning things, I totally appreciate your work here. Even if it was a disinfo/LARP program, it still got people to seek the Truth for themselves, which is much better than just accepting what others say. It's definitely disappointing if it was not an insider, because it looks like there's gonna be some major turmoil in our government soon.

I did watch you say basically what you're saying now from the beginning. A few were cryptic and changed slightly but like you said nobody was listening.

I think the playful approach to it is what pisses people off who are deeply invested in Q. I can't remember which video but I remember you saying something about the 8chan move and telling people you were going to leave it alone but UNIRock called in and you gave him a slightly different view of the move than before which looked to me like it was telling him that the move was legit and he should carry on researching.

That's a bit different from consistently informing people but I saw the boredom you felt discussing it... People want to be told exactly what to do so I can see that would get tiresome...

Anyway it's out there now let's see what happens..

I am right there with you, Conciousthinker. I watched, I listened and yes, some of it was cryptic. But, I understood he was saying it was a puzzle. What I would like you to address more, Manny, is why Q is not all Pro Trump, as you said on LTV. It appears it is, which makes it appear to be a inside job to keep Trump’s base content and off of the real things happening in the world. The first posts from Q stated arrests coming for PodEsta and Huma, nothing happened and I watch people making up all kinds of stupid excuses why it didn’t. LTV may be wrong about some things, but he makes a great point that Q has made people step back from investigating the NOW...and are waiting or wasting time. Many are waiting for Jesus to come and save them and the new Q puzzle caused many to think Trump will. People have to be proactive, there is not a savior but for the people themselves.. I would like to hear your thoughts on this, Manny. I respect your opinion.

I also have a thought about the alleged flooding of Nazi right wing stuff on the thread. There are people who are of that mind who are likely to think of Trump as a saviour in the RHOA race war. The thing I found interesting was a post later considered as not being Q but it said why is the left so bad at memes... I think it is because the people who are creating them are too close to Q so that question got scrubbed. JTRIG is a rabbit hole that will lead to the manipulation of the web in exactly the way Q did.

The only thing I am not going to say is that anyone involved knew it was a government op... Think about soldiers on the ground in war zones. They are in the military and know less than someone who has access to the web... Freedom fighter / terrorist etc etc...

Every one who would be involved I believe didn't have negative intentions. Just as soldiers after 911 did it for their reasons for the greater good.

Agree again, no bad intentions in my mind. I think, like Manny said, it got out of control. A lot of infighting as to what stuff meant, the mainstream media getting involved. It might all turn out great because the truth was out there already. Perhaps it will get to a few people who didn’t already know there was hanky panky. Maybe the “truthers” got all over it because Q was tying together things and giving them validation. Maybe they needed that validation because they really weren’t sure they were on the right track? This frenzy by the truthers is rather odd it me, especially after Qs predictions really haven’t come true. A few, maybe, predictive posts. I believe Q has clearance and knows stuff but has he really exposed anything explosive?

Not sure it is a government op, though...I am leaning that it isn’t. If it is, it is to keep trump supporters believing that he really isn’t the globalist, war monger, deep state Zionist kinda guy he is showing he is by many of his actions.

Yeah I saw @lifttheveil411 talk about if it was waking people up and how we are looking at it from a viewpoint after a lifetime of 'awakenings'.

So it could be hard to understand what effect it had on someone who wasn't 'awake' to anything.

The problem for me though is I can't find the value of leaks that lead to articles already in the MSM. Especially with the new status of whistle blower... Whistle blower of...? Swapping an explosive for a firework in a terrorist attack? The MSM still reports the attack and spreads fear which if you have the power to swap it out then just remove it and stop the alleged MSM agenda. You can argue that was after the hack or whatever but come on... Anyway I hope that it's over with... It just frazzles the mind!

So 'ol Tight Ass Froth has a bee in his butt and now he's gettin all frothy with you?!! Hope he don't blow!!!

Not convinced that Titus Frost is co-intel, your report is too long-winded and chaotic to make any points. Q-Anon is just another Trojan Horse.