GOP Train 'accident' was False Flag

in #qanon7 years ago (edited)

First photo shows the truck was struck from the rear. Proof this truck was backed into position for oncoming train.

Notice how the cab (the much weaker part of the truck) has "minor" damage compared to the rear. This probably struck the signs as it was pushed forward by the train.

Notice how the road is oriented to the tracks. This wasn't a truck trying to beat a train. it wasn't a truck stalled over the tracks. This was a train that was moved into position.

At this point, if you study the accident scene thoroughly and tell yourself the train wreck was an accident, there is no amount of evidence that will turn you. There is a comfort in ignorance that i wish i could also rest easy in when it comes to our government. But so many people have died for these deep state political lies already. The lies that let so many of us rest comfortably in them. "Everything is okay." "Nothing to see here." Another strange anomoly under the shingle of business as usual.

I predict the garbage truck will be reported as stolen. Im sure a reason will be revealed for why the truck was parked with their rear-end facing the train and their liftgate up. Im sure this has zero do with the memo or any investigation. Im sure it was a coincidence that Scalise was shot right after the PSA about human trafficking. I dont have all the facts and it is designed that way. Its what keeps people frozen from action. We have to be sure. We have to wait for an official investigation. The same agency that investigated Vegas or Charlottesville?

  1. If you were charged with the safety of the republican congressional leadership and they were all on a train with their families weeks after the Scalise shooting would you arrange for road closings?

  2. If you were a local police officer charged with protecting a train crossing would you allow a giant dump truck to pass through your barricade?

  3. The train struck the truck at a moderate speed which prevented derailing.

Is the tinfoil real? We all need to ask this question. But we should also ask another question. Is not our tolerance complicate? How many more coincidences will it take for us to doubt the emerald curtain? How many more distractions will this action take to bury? We need your help in spreading this message.

Research. Share. Write. Be brave and spread what your gut is telling you. We need lamplighters! America needs citizen journalists to save our country from the veiled curtain of lies from the corporate media. You are Anon! We all are. Let's get to work.