QAnon is a TON of researchsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #qanon7 years ago

Intro to Qanon and why it's important:

Someone named only as "Q", proven to be close to the president, has been posting coded material about what's really going on in the world in the most powerful circles. He has done this in the form of questions directing the public to research certain topics.

By researching these topics, one can get a sense of who is being controlled by whom, and might come to the conclusions that many of those who follow Q have gotten. In short, conspiracy theories - many of which might turn out to be conspiracy fact.

A sample of those conclusions reached by many:

~3 families control (or controlled?) the world - House of Saud, Rothschild, and Soros
~Most if not all bureaucratic agencies in the USA (perhaps across the globe) have been infiltrated by those who are either loyal to or controlled by one or more of those families.
~The military is loyal to Trump, and nobody in those families thought they would lose the White House (sending the "bad guys" scrambling
~USA voting system is, for lack of a better term, rigged

Way out stuff that someone would refuse to immediately believe (again, conclusions by researchers):

~Many elected officials are bought or blackmailed
~Many elected officials and "elites" are pedophiles
~These same elected officials and "elites" engage in satanic rituals

Some of these are corroborated based on current events (Huge purge of Saudi royal family, for one)

So this begs many questions...
~Are these things true? That is...
~~Are those "researchers" reaching the right conclusions based on the evidence available?
~~Is there evidence (not publicly available) that would reach opposite conclusions?
~If the military and Trump are doing these things, are they objectively "good things" ?
~~Are all these things Trump is currently saying and doing ... just distractions?
~~Should we root for Trump as everyday Americans, or even citizens of countries worldwide?
[Note: Q Has mentioned that there is some deliberate false information in his posts in order to distract those nefarious people/organizations that are trying to silence him/them, so not everything said can be taken as fact.]

To research this, I recommend starting by reading the sidebar of this subreddit:

Comforting and Sobering thoughts:

~God is in control. If you don't have a personal relationship with Jesus, your life is in jeopardy. Those who know and follow Jesus will have peace.
~We know from reading the Bible that there will effectively be a one-world government in the end times.
~~Perhaps this has already happened... or perhaps due to the president's actions, he will inadvertently enthrone one of those three families as the world rulers?

I'll leave you with Jesus' words:
John 16:33 
"I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.”