QR Codes, The Mark of the Beast?

in #qr7 years ago

In my book https://www.amazon.com/Rightly-Dividing-Word-Truth-Understanding/dp/144974933X/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1496438289&sr=1-1&keywords=fred+s+wolfe on page 126 I suggest that QR Codes could be predecessors to the M.O.B. I believe that the Apokalupsis, the revelation to John, is in the future, still. Revelation 13:17 says, "....no one will be able to buy or sell except those who have the mark ( charagma, a scratch or etching or engraven, like a stamp worn as a badge)..."

Never have I been so involved with QR codes as I have since taking up the purchasing of Crypto's. Mind you, I don't use them; rather, I just copy and paste the corresponding addresses. If it ever gets to the point that I am forced to use them in this line of work, I'll quit.

Ya see, I'm probably older than most of you (68) and I can remember when things weren't so convenient to come by. As things became more and more convenient I noticed an erosion of privacy. I used to do my accounting by hand on a spreadsheet; write checks for all my bills and lick stamps to mail them all out in envelopes. I don't do that anymore. I use online bilpay and Quicken like many of you might do. The point is, the more convenient things become, the more likely we are going to go down that road, like sheep led to the slaughter.


The day after I posted this Coinbase started a 2-stage verification requiring users to scan the QR code to get another code. I transferred all my holdings to Jaxx to avoid the requirement. Shapeshift is a very cool tool on Jaxx.