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RE: Qtum Staking Tutorial using qtumd on a Raspberry Pi 3

in #qtum7 years ago (edited)

The Qtum mainnet binary (Ignition v1.0.1) has now been released.

I'm running a wallet/node on the RPi 3 using the qtum-0.14.3-arm-linux-gnueabihf.tar.gz binary found at .

The instructions in the post above are exactly the same for the mainnet binary release, except for the 'tar' command (i.e. make sure to specify qtum-0.14.3-arm-linux-gnueabihf.tar.gz instead).

Also, if you ran a previous version of the Qtum wallet/node (e.g. Skynet), then make sure to delete (or rename) the ~/.qtum directory before starting the mainnet (Ignition) wallet/node.

NOTE: The post didn't specify it, but you need to edit /etc/systemd/system/qtumd.service using sudo (e.g. $ sudo vi /etc/systemd/system/qtumd.service).


Thanks for the guide. I got it working in my raspberry pi 3. All that's left to do now is wait for the swap to happen before we can start staking on the mainnet.

Can I suggest adding an alias to the .bashrc? Instead of typing : ~/qtum-wallet/bin/qtum-cli, we can add to ~/.bashrc:

alias qtum-cli='~/qtum-wallet/bin/qtum-cli'

That way, we can just execute qtum-cli from the wallet directory by typing: qtum-cli

I cant connect to my wallet using qtum-cli :
$ ~/qtum-wallet/bin/qtum-cli getinfo
error: couldn't connect to server: unknown (code -1)
(make sure server is running and you are connecting to the correct RPC port)

I know nothing about .cookie so I don't know what to do. Any help?

The .cookie file gets created in the datadir (by default under ~/.qtum) when qtumd starts up and RPC is enabled. You probably don't have qtumd running -- you can use $ pgrep -a qtumd to check (if that outputs nothing, then it isn't running).

Yes, or add ~/qtum-wallet/bin into your $PATH. I should indeed have suggested it.

I am struggling with step 5, i do not have the wlan0 sub folder, nor am i able to create it. I created the file on my pi desktop but cannot put this anywhere in the etc folder. I do not have permissions to do this. Is there another way of disabling the power management?

do you perhaps need to put 'sudo' in front of the command?